

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
screenwriting secrets

5 Screenwriting Secrets Every Writer Should Know

In this filmmaking article, producer Jason Brubaker talks about the importance of screenwriting and having a good screenplay.

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indie film

5 Little-Known Factors That Could Affect Your Indie Film

My first short indie film was a two-day shoot with a crew of maybe four. We had a budget of under …

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america the beautiful

Filmmaker James Kaelan Talks About Making America The Beautiful

No matter what happens, you are not in danger… That was the friendly warning at the bottom of my ticket to …

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pitch a screenplay

How To Pitch A Screenplay So They Listen

Are you wondering how to pitch a screenplay? You're not alone. The other day I got an email from a writer …

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Screenwriting Pitfalls

3 Screenwriting Pitfalls That Will Wreck Your Career

Most novice screenwriters think getting screwed over in Hollywood all boils down to story theft, but in truth, story theft rarely takes place. Instead, they overlook the very real screenwriting pitfalls that can cause unnecessary career setbacks.

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film tax incentives

Understanding Film Tax Incentives (For Indie Filmmakers)

Film Tax Incentives can be confusing. Going through the process involves adding lots of details about your film. The rules vary …

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film project

Find Out How To Choose The Best Film Project

If you’re considering a dozen ideas for your next film project, there are plenty of reasons why you need to choose one and get …

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movie formula

Should Screenwriters Stick With Movie Formula?

In this screenwriting article, screenwriter Anna Kemp explains why screenwriters should just stick with movie formula.

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