

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
Brand Yourself As A Filmmaker

How To Brand Yourself As A Filmmaker

Everyone’s talking about personal branding these days, but not everyone understands what it does and why it's important. As a filmmaker, you might be thinking to yourself, “do I really have to care about my brand?” In today's Internet focused world, personal branding is…

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filmmaking 101

Filmmaking 101: Five Rules To Remember

The filmmaking 101 process can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Here are five filmmaking tips!

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independent film financing

The Friendly Filmmakers Guide to Independent Film Financing

As a filmmaker, independent film financing a major mystery. When I was starting out, I met with quite a few producers who refused to share their money secrets with me… I don’t know why they were so secretive. But it really annoyed me.

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5 Easy Ways To Get Your Screenplay Noticed

In this screenwriting article, motion picture executive Scott Kirkpatrick shares five tips to get your screenplay noticed.

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write a TV series

Should You Write A TV Series Or Feature Film?

Should you write a TV series instead of a feature film? With the increasing number of scripted series competing for our …

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Writing For The Green Light

Writing For The Green Light: How to Make Your Script the One Hollywood Notices

This screenwriting interview provides the Hollywood executive's guide to writing for the green light.

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movie work is reality

Movie Work is Reality (And Why Work Ethic Trumps Talent)

I know you're tired. I know you are working a day job that drains all of your energy. But if you don't finish your screenplay, make your short, or plan your feature this year, who will…

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fu money

What Every Filmmaker Ought To Know About FU Money

In some place in the back of your mind, when you reach for your credit card, you find yourself thinking: “I can afford this. Someday I'll make my movie and sell it for a gazillion dollars. And then I'll pay off my bills…”

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