

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
achieve your dreams

How To Achieve Your Dreams In Filmmaking

So you want to Achieve Your Dreams in filmmaking.  I don't know what your specific dreams may be.  You may want …

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American Film Market Online

How To Navigate The American Film Market

The announcement was made that the 2020 AFM (American Film Market), will be a “Virtual Market.”  Cannes 2020 was the first …

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raise money for your film

Are Dentists a Way to Raise Money For Your Film?

If you're looking to raise money for your film, you're probably heard some other filmmaker (who never raised money) tell you …

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the future of the self distribution model

The Future Of The Self Distribution Model

In the old days, self distribution got a bad wrap. Before DVD and the wonders of the digital age, if people wanted to self distribute, they had to haul heavy film prints from city to city all over the country… But not any more!

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distribution company

Do You Really Need A Distribution Company?

With DVD sales down, the traditional utilization of middle-men like sales agents and distribution companies is changing. The ripple effect of this is less traditional distribution deals for filmmakers. Take a look at the music industry, and you’ll soon see that it is a matter of time until all movies will be available for download or viewing at the push of a button.

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amazon film distribution

The Indie Filmmakers Guide to Amazon Film Distribution

In a more-perfect world of Independent Film Distribution, iTunes would open the flood gates and allow all feature filmmakers to upload their work. However, at the time of writing, getting your finished feature film into iTunes is still a pain in the butt. With few exceptions, the company seems to favor traditional distributors over the indie producer. So if you one day dream of having your movie viewed on someone's iPhone, you'll still have to find a middle-man ask permission…

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sell a tv show

Who Else Wants To Sell A TV Show To The Networks?

So you have a TV Show idea and you want to sell it. Before we get into some action steps you …

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making a feature film

The 5 Lessons I Learned Making A Feature Film For $2,000

My name is Chris Foster. When I was 19 years old, I was obsessed with making a feature film. The problem was, …

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