

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
make a horror movie

3 Surprising Reasons You Should Make A Horror Movie

Our first feature was a silly zombie movie. The production value was horrific. But the movie got a write up in Premiere Magazine, Fangoria and about one hundred horror related websites. As a result of this buzz, our crappy horror movie gained a cult following and sold very well…

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modern filmmaker

Five Ways To Succeed As a Modern Filmmaker

The world has changed. If you are looking to become a filmmaking success, this article is for you. We share 5 ways you can succeed as a modern filmmaker.

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schedule your movie

How To Break Down and Schedule Your No-Budget Movie

If you're a first time feature filmmaker, you do not need a gazillion dollars to join the feature club. But you will need to learn how to replace money with ginormous creatively. And once your screenplay is complete, then the next step in the filmmaking process is your initial breakdown and schedule.

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How To Avoid Your Biggest Filmmaking Mistake

The biggest filmmaking mistake you can make is waiting for someone else to give you permission make movies. Read this filmmaking article.

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Digital VOD Distribution

Three Tips For Digital VOD Distribution

We have entered the era of Digital VOD Distribution. In this filmmaking article, we provide three tips for Digital VOD Distribution success.

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private film investors

How To Woo Private Film Investors (Even If You Hate Pitching)

You may have all the creative talent in the world, a team ready to help you make your film and an idea …

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foreshadowing in your screenplay

How To Use Foreshadowing In Your Screenplay

To avoid having any one element of foreshadowing be too obvious, often the writer will throw in some red herrings–some things that could be foreshadowing but in fact don't pay off or pay off in a different way than we expect. The person who has the gun in the drawer may become an immediate suspect in our minds, but later maybe we see him use it to light his cigarette and we realize it's not a real gun (of course he may have a real one somewhere else….). That kind of misdirection keeps the audience guessing.

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The 5 Laws For Landing Film Industry Jobs

If you're a newbie to filmmaking, I'm going to give you the advice I learned early on. This has since become my work and success philosophy. And as you chart your film career, maybe this stuff is worth considering.

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