Write or Acquire a Screenplay? Here’s How To Take Action!

Do you write or acquire a screenplay?

Think about it. Screenwriting is the heavy lifting for your movie.

Without a good script, you limit your chances for success from the onset.

Your goal is to only work with the best material you can get your hands on.

In your journey to bring ideas to life, you will want to decide if you will write your screenplay with a writing partner or acquire a script from someone else.

Write or Aquire a Screenplay?
Write or Acquire a Screenplay?

Here are some ideas on how to take action!

Write or Acquire a Screenplay?

If you choose to write your screenplay yourself, don’t be afraid to write a crappy first draft.

Most screenwriters in Hollywood claim to have a screenplay, but that is not true.

Most would-be screenwriters have the first 15 pages of a screenplay, and they will never finish.

This is because they are afraid of failure—but not you.

Your goal is to write, and write, and write. Finish a crappy first draft. Then, refine it.

But writing isn’t for everyone.

Faced with the fear of a blank page, some filmmakers think acquiring a screenplay or story rights is easier.

While this may be true if you have great connections and unlimited cash reserves, garnering the rights to popular stories may be cost-prohibitive.

In this case, you might instead look for old stories in the public domain or find something authored by a niche influencer.

Real World Example

A few weeks back, the leader of a Facebook group on marketing (with over 179,000 members) was promoting his new book marketing.

I read the book and found it to be more of an autobiography than an actual how-to marketing book. I thought the story could be adapted into an awesome screenplay.

It made sense. If the movie was produced on a low enough budget, we could then sell it back to the 179,000 group members.

So, I immediately contacted the author to see if the motion picture rights were still available. They were. We talked. To be continued…

Find Writing Partners

You could always partner with a writer if you don’t want to adapt a screenplay fully.

To get the ball rolling, many filmmakers post ads on craigslist.com seeking a screenwriter.

The only problem is that gazillions of writers seeking a producer will instantly inundate you.

So, it may make sense to research established (but new) screenwriters with similar visions. A good place to find these writers is the American Film Market.

How To Become A Better Writer!

Before you decide whether to write, acquire a screenplay, or hire a writer, I suggest you visit the American Film Market.

You may have to pay a pretty hefty amount for a pass, but this will help you find other serious people.


In your journey to bring ideas to life, you will want to decide if you will write your screenplay with a writing partner or acquire a script from someone else.


The glossary below defines key terms in writing or acquiring a screenplay.

  • Screenplay: The movie script, including dialogue and descriptions of scenes.
  • First Draft: The initial version of a screenplay that is often terrible.
  • Blank Page: The starting point of writing where nothing is written.
  • Public Domain: Creative works without exclusive intellectual property rights.
  • Story Rights: The legal rights to use a story.
  • Adaptation: Changing a story from one medium to another.
  • Writing Partner: A collaborator who co-writes a screenplay with you.
  • Craigslist: An online classifieds platform where individuals can post ads for various needs, including finding screenwriters.
  • American Film Market: An annual event where filmmakers and professionals meet to network and conduct business, including finding screenwriters.
  • Niche Influencer: A person with expertise and influence in a specific, narrow field who can create content that appeals to a targeted audience.

Below are some popular questions about writing or acquiring a screenplay, along with their answers.

What is the benefit of writing your screenplay?

Writing your screenplay gives you complete control over the story and its development.

What are the challenges of acquiring a screenplay?

Acquiring a screenplay can be costly and requires good connections and negotiation skills.

How can I find a screenwriter to collaborate with?

You can find screenwriters by posting ads on Craigslist or attending industry events like the American Film Market.

What is a niche influencer?

A niche influencer is someone with expertise and influence in a specific area, often with a dedicated audience.

Why is the first draft often called a ‘crappy first draft'?

The first draft is often rough and unpolished, serving as the initial version that will undergo many revisions.

Action Steps

Here are some ideas for taking action to improve your chances of success when writing or acquiring a screenplay:

  • Decide if you like writing or acquiring a screenplay better.
  • Start writing, and don't be afraid of producing a crappy first draft.
  • Research and connect with potential writers.
  • Consider public domain stories or works by niche influencers.
  • Visit industry events like the American Film Market to network.

For additional screenwriting resources, check out our training on how to write a screenplay this year.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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