The Most Important Filmmaking Skill

As a filmmaker, you are constantly looking for ways to improve. If you’re like most, you spend your time watching movies, discussing movies and thinking of ideas for your next film. But do you know the most important filmmaking skill?

It's not your ability to frame shots, or direct actors or work with your crew… It's something much more fundamental.

filmmaking skill

The Most Important Filmmaking Skill

If you are new to filmmaking, you probably dream of Hollywood fame. And if you are a veteran filmmaker, you probably dream of making enough movie money to pay your mortgage.

But regardless of how you define success in your own filmmaking life, I can tell you there is one trait that is essential. And if you lack this one little, itti bitti trait, attaining filmmaking success will be impossible.

What is this most important filmmaking skill? In a word: Integrity. Without honesty and the ability to stay true to to your word, your moments in the spotlight will be limited.

Once you understand the importance of integrity, you can then focus on getting your film funded, produced and sold.  And if you are looking for a modern approach to the process, check out Filmmaking Stuff HQ.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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