How To Hire Actors And Attach Talent To Your Film

hire actors

Attaching the right talent to your movie can be the difference between long term success or failure. And for a filmmaker gaining experience, this process can be daunting. Back when I started out, I had no idea how to find a casting director or what to say to them. But it is important to remember that many industry professionals will take on smaller jobs in-between bigger projects…

Are screenplay contests worth entering?

I’m pretty skeptical about script contests as a way to further your career. There are success stories but I think they’re the exception. So I was interested to read the view of Chad Gervich on the Script website. He says that winning a script rarely gives you the edge

Screenwriting How To Protect Your Material

Stop screenwriting rip offs

Since starting Filmmaking Stuff, many screenwriters have written me, asking if I could provide advice on how they can protect their screenplay from theft. I usually tell screenwriters that most producers will not go through the process of raising a gazillion dollars without compensating the screenwriter fairly.

Filmmaker David Allen Talks Modern Moviemaking and VOD Distribution

Earlier this week, I caught wind of an indie production company based in Australia called Rapidfire Productions. This is a production company that operates as a self sustaining modern moviemaking business. They develop movies, get money, make their movies and through their own distribution arm, the company reaches the masses.

Writing a screenplay-hold that template!

Or it may be that in the middle of my script things drag along too slowly–a common problem of first drafts. In that case, reminding myself that the traditional story model calls for escalating conflict can lead to better consideration of how I can add incidents that ramp up the tension and drama.

How to Take Charge of Your Film Scheduling

film scheduling

For those of you considering producing your first feature, Film Scheduling is an invaluable part of the process. Your 1st AD is in charge of taking your screenplay, breaking it down and providing the initial schedule. That information is later used to budget your movie.

My Filmmaking Story – Part 4 of 4

Somewhere between then and now, I relocated to Los Angeles, spent time working as an executive for a fortune 500 Investment bank, started a production company, garnered producer credits on some feature films, became a cult zombie fighting action hero (dream come true!), and made friends with some of the most well respected professionals in the industry.