Movie Distribution: 7 Ways To Sell Your Movie Without The Middle Man

If you’re a filmmaker with a movie… Before you accept some crappy distribution deal from a traditional movie distribution company – you might benefit form the following audio download. In this audio, I provide steps you can utilize to sell your movie without the middle-man.

Modern Moviemaking Explained

I believe video on demand distribution represents freedom for filmmakers. While there are many great sales agents and distributors, I am totally bothered by the sales agents and middle-men who have taken a bottom-feeding approach to VOD. These jerks make a living trying to sucker unsuspecting filmmakers into long term video on demand deals that suck. I put together the following video to express my disgust and also provide a new hope. As a modern moviemaker, there has never been a better time to make, market and sell your movies without the middle-man.

Filmmaking interview with Nathan Wrann

I interviewed Nathan Wrann because he serves as a good example for any filmmaker who ever wanted to make movies without making excuses. In our talk, you’ll get down and dirty tips for no-money productions, promotion, marketing and distribution. This is a man who doesn’t care about reviews. This is a filmmaker who wants to do meaningful work that is unique.

Make Filmmaking Your Next Small Business

“If you want to make a living making movies, you need to realize that your library and the subsequent audience you source (over your career) are your major assets. And, as a result, your most important filmmaking focus (aside from doing good work) is to acquire and keep a customer,” he emphasizes.

Filmmaking Goals For This Year

I started Filmmaking Stuff because I wanted to help filmmakers make movies and also, create a self sustaining movie business. In other words, if you have the passion to make movies, then you owe it to yourself to get moving! The following filmmaking video provides you with a brief overview of the Modern MovieMaking Method. I also show you how to grab over $100 dollars in filmmaking tools, free.

Leverage Your Following | Sell Your Movie PT 7

Leverage Your Following

One of the most important filmmaking strategies you must adopt in this era of modern moviemaking is a long term perspective. In years past, filmmakers focused on making one movie, selling it and then moving on to the next movie.

Increase Web Traffic | Sell Your Movie PT 6

Increase Web Traffic

One secret I utilize is frequent press release submissions. Years ago, it was advised that you only wrote and submitted press releases when you had something newsworthy to say. But these days, in addition to targeting traditional news outlets, most press releases are included in search engine results. Without getting overly technical, this means for a very small amount of money, submitting one press release complete with links to your website can increase your web footprint.

Movie Making Tools Update

If you’re new to Filmmaking Stuff, welcome. If you’re a frequent reader, then you know that my major mission is to help you make your movie now! For about the last six months, I have been working to update our Filmmaking Stuff sister resource – I wanted to create a storefront where I could offer more advanced information.

Indie Film Finance And Production Conference Los Angeles

Do you want to come meet and ask questions about Video On Demand and internet marketing for your movie?
On November 11th, I’ll be speaking and participating in the 2010 Indie Film Finance And Production Conference in Los Angeles.

Writing a screenplay-hold that template!

Or it may be that in the middle of my script things drag along too slowly–a common problem of first drafts. In that case, reminding myself that the traditional story model calls for escalating conflict can lead to better consideration of how I can add incidents that ramp up the tension and drama.

Filmmaking Stuff Interview with Peter Broderick

Peter Broderick is President of Paradigm Consulting which helps filmmakers and media companies develop strategies to maximize distribution, audience and revenues. Earlier this week, Peter stopped by Filmmaking Stuff to talk about the the new world of distribution and how filmmakers can navigate the ever changing landscape of independent filmmaking.

Filmmaking Stuff Is On Face Book

Like Filmmaking Stuff on Facebook

Your friendships with other filmmakers dictate the scope and scale of your movies. And while not everyone you meet in the movie industry is going to become your best friend, it’s always great to know who to call, to help you make things happen.

Filmmaking Stuff News For 2011 Early

Since publishing the modern moviemaking manifesto, some of you have written, requesting an online community where you can share ideas with other filmmakers involved in our movement. So I have taken the initial steps to creating the modern moviemaking community. If you want to be among the first to know about it (because it’s exclusive), make sure you get on the list.

YouTube Rentals?

YouTube Rentals?

With YouTube Rentals, you will be able to upload your movie and expand your reach via the world’s largest online video community. This amazing VOD outlet will provide filmmakers with an awesomely cool new way to generate revenue – on one of the most popular video streaming sites in existence.

Filmmaking Goals for 2010

As a filmmaker, I assume your primary goal is to make movies. But as you know, making a movie requires many steps. So to plan your next movie as well as some of other big whoppers you wish to accomplish, I suggest breaking your goals into smaller and smaller chunks… And then finally break them into small enough chunks so you can include them in your list of daily tasks.