Are Dentists the Secret to Raising Money for Your Movie?
If you’ve been hustling to raise money for your film, chances are someone has told you, “Dentists are a great source of film …
If you’ve been hustling to raise money for your film, chances are someone has told you, “Dentists are a great source of film …
If you want to know how to make your own film, aside from the technical stuff, the biggest lesson you have to learn is obvious…
With the release of the iPad, and the new NetFlix application, we now have clear indication that Video On Demand has arrived in a majorly portable way. And while many of you will argue that the iPad is not the most ideal way to watch a movie – few of us can argue that the future of movie delivery has arrived.
In this filmmaking article, we review the revolutionary format VHS and share our opinion on why it is going to beat out Betamax.
In this filmmaking article, we provide tips on how to network and importantly, how to network in Hollywood. Read this article if you want some awesome tips.
Many times an independent filmmaker considers indie film to be sacred and avoids working with studios. Other filmmakers think studio movies are the …
Surviving the Movie Industry in times of change is similar to surviving other industries going through change. Necessitated by the need for cash (survival), many of you will be forced to see the world as an entrepreneur. Even if you aren’t ready, you may have to learn how to produce your own profitable movies…
Sooner or later the filmmaking bug hits you. . . It’s like a far off voice or compulsion. But like breathing, for the serious independent filmmaker, the need to make a feature is always present.
The world has changed. If you are looking to become a filmmaking success, this article is for you. We share 5 ways you can succeed as a modern filmmaker.
To avoid having any one element of foreshadowing be too obvious, often the writer will throw in some red herrings–some things that could be foreshadowing but in fact don’t pay off or pay off in a different way than we expect. The person who has the gun in the drawer may become an immediate suspect in our minds, but later maybe we see him use it to light his cigarette and we realize it’s not a real gun (of course he may have a real one somewhere else….). That kind of misdirection keeps the audience guessing.
In a more-perfect world of Independent Film Distribution, iTunes would open the flood gates and allow all feature filmmakers to upload their work. However, at the time of writing, getting your finished feature film into iTunes is still a pain in the butt. With few exceptions, the company seems to favor traditional distributors over the indie producer. So if you one day dream of having your movie viewed on someone’s iPhone, you’ll still have to find a middle-man ask permission…
In the past, filmmakers made a movie, got lucky and ended up with a BIG paycheck with incremental increases on the back end. These days filmmakers need to think about their movies in ways akin to how traditional investors think about dividends from bonds – once you make the investment, it’s a long term game!
A long time ago, I worked on a short movie with a guy. Long story short, I found out the guy was being untruthful about money. He had hired one of my friends to build our movie website. When confronted, he told me some sort of story that was completely stupid and untruthful. Because he was a “friend,” I gave him the benefit of belief and dropped the subject.
In this filmmaking article, Jason Brubaker shares the secrets of successful indie filmmakers. And the first secret is, don’t give up.
If this is your first feature, don’t feel bad if you cry. Most filmmakers either lose their temper or cry or both. If you have to cry or lose your temper, call a time out and take a walk. Go somewhere nobody can see you. There is no quicker way to lose credibility than losing your emotions on set—especially a low-budget set.
Have you ever known a filmmaker who sent their demo reel into the Hollywood abyss? Maybe they sent it to an agency or a production company in hopes someone would discover their talent and hire them. Similarly, many screenwriters and aspiring actors have been known to employ this strategy too.
Coming up with an accurate film budget can be a sobering experience. You either find out that you need to raise more money or cut your budget entirely. And if you’re anything like most independent filmmakers, both options suck. But don’t worry. This article offers three ways to cut your movie budget (and increase production value).
For those of you planning to crank out some movies, I recommend you start small. Find a few collaborators and assign jobs based on interest. Then grab a camera and complete some micro projects such as music videos, short films and funny sketches for YouTube.
When trying to promote a movie that folks have otherwise not heard of, all ink is potentially good ink. If you’re producing your movie …
Since starting Filmmaking Stuff some years ago, the entire world of filmmaking has changed. As a result, I thought it would be good …
In this filmmaking article, LA producer Jason Brubaker shares tips on how to build rapport with movie investors (and other heavy hitters)
You need to Create a Plan B for your movie. You need to cover your butt! This filmmaking article provides three tips to help you avoid crying on set.
Making a good movie starts with a good screenplay. And assuming you’ve written, or you control the rights to a fantastic script that you would like to produce, the next step creating a script breakdown and film scheduling.
As a filmmaker, one of the challenges you face is how to finance a film. When I was starting out, things were much different. Back then, if you wanted to finance a movie, you had to cross your fingers and wait for the gods to grant you permission…
If you’re writing a script to be read by someone who is possibly going to buy it, you want to make it as easy and entertaining as possible. Yes, it’s easy to overdo the parentheticals, ideally your dialogue itself suggests how it will be delivered. But when it helps, go ahead. A sarcastic remark from an actress is not too high a price to pay.
I spoke at the UCLA film school and I got the impression that the next generation of filmmakers are open to new ideas, and new ways of making movies. Thanks to familiarity with YouTube as well as access to affordable production equipment, many modern filmmakers are embracing accessible, non-discriminatory distribution channels without hesitation or excuses.
For Los Angeles based fimmakers looking to take their show to business, I recommend checking out the next Norman Berns workshop. In this full-day, hands-on instruction, you will gain experience on scheduling, budgeting, business plans, ptiching, fundraising and distribution.
An interesting twist on the old “write what you know” adage comes from aspiring screenwriter Mark McCann, who also is a policeman. One …
As a result of lower priced production equipment, coupled with non-discriminatory distribution, YOU can make, market and sell your movie this year and you don’t need to ask permission.
Your filmmaking crowdfunding campaign will allow you to raise money – but as an important ancillary benefit, your campaign will also allow you test your movie concept with a built in, responsive focus group. Assuming you reach your funding goal, you will not only generate your initial buzz…