Get More VOD Sales with Better Reviews
If you’re an indie filmmaker trying to get your movie noticed, here’s something that might surprise you… Movie reviews boost visibility more than …
If you’re an indie filmmaker trying to get your movie noticed, here’s something that might surprise you… Movie reviews boost visibility more than …
In this guest filmmaking article, documentary filmmaker Faith Fuller shares tips on how to avoid the top five mistakes made in documentary funding. Read this article and fund your documentary.
In this filmmaking article we dispel the worst filmmaking myth, and also provide three tips on how to make money in filmmaking.
To avoid having any one element of foreshadowing be too obvious, often the writer will throw in some red herrings–some things that could be foreshadowing but in fact don’t pay off or pay off in a different way than we expect. The person who has the gun in the drawer may become an immediate suspect in our minds, but later maybe we see him use it to light his cigarette and we realize it’s not a real gun (of course he may have a real one somewhere else….). That kind of misdirection keeps the audience guessing.
With DVD sales down, the traditional utilization of middle-men like sales agents and distribution companies is changing. The ripple effect of this is less traditional distribution deals for filmmakers. Take a look at the music industry, and you’ll soon see that it is a matter of time until all movies will be available for download or viewing at the push of a button.
Everyone’s talking about personal branding these days, but not everyone understands what it does and why it’s important. As a filmmaker, you might be thinking to yourself, “do I really have to care about my brand?” In today’s Internet focused world, personal branding is…
When I published my article on leveraging VOD sales to finance your movie, I had no idea that a simple internet marketing formula for filmmakers would be such a polarizing issue. I can’t tell you how many Los Angeles based movie producers responded negatively through email. One guy even told me my grammar sucked.
In this filmmaking article, we explore the 3 reasons you won’t make it in Hollywood (and what to do about it!)
Many would-be filmmakers waste valuable time trying to make everything perfect, when the true secret to becoming a successful filmmaker involves simply assessing your resources and making the movie you can make now.
There will come a day when all entertainment will be on-demand and cheap to consume. The question is, will you ignore this movement and continue to play your distribution lottery ticket in hopes of winning the dream deal…
YOU are now responsible for marketing, promotion and distribution of your movie. And inline with this strategy, you must view regional and second tier festivals as an opportunity to build your audience list. But instead of handing out postcards to other filmmakers, your marketing strategy will be smarter.
In this article, indie filmmaker Jason Brubaker explains the importance of audience list building and email marketing for movies.
By now you’ve heard of crowdfunding. But the little secret that nobody is talking about is this – Not all movie projects will get fully funded by the crowd. BUT. . .
How will you compete with small filmmakers all over the globe for the same eyeballs? Gone are the days when upfront cash advances paid off your budget. What will you…
Because distribution was once discriminatory, many first time independent feature filmmakers had to hold their breath in hopes their movies would get into a film festival, buil buzz, and (hopefully) garner a great distribution deal, complete with a cash advance. But that is an outdated model.
As a filmmaker, getting feedback for your movie is essential. In this article, Jason Brubaker provides some tips on how to get the most bang out of your screening party.
If you want to get ahead in the crazy industry of movies, you would be best to follow the following 5 tips for movie industry success:
If you find yourself faced with filmmaking self doubt, you’re not alone. The important part is that you at least get a picture of what you want that is very specific. Then you should take time to work backwards. And who knows, maybe a decade from now we will be working on movie projects together.
Your filmmaking “Audience List” is your most important asset. And let me give you 5 reasons ALL filmmakers should start building their audience list (based on our mistakes) today!
If you want become a filmmaker, desire and ambition is not enough. Your ability to get a movie made, seen and sold relies …
I don’t give a crap about the idiot Hollywood snobs who would much rather ignore you and your HD camera. And so what if you never worked with Spielberg or for that matter any “name” talent. And who really cares if some band of ivy league film school graduates spent their 30k making an 8 minute, 35mm short, when you decided to make a feature?
What is your movie competition? Do you know? Well one of the Filmmaking Stuff readers sent the following question about this topic: Jason …
The other day I met with a pretty well known Indie producer. We were talking about audience engagement and how filmmakers are now responsible …
As a filmmaker, your audience is your business. Without an audience, you have no business. Leverage social media to build an audience.
I have been speaking at quite a few film festivals. And what I find is, many filmmakers are still stuck in an old paradigm that no longer exists. In the past, most filmmakers dreamed of getting their movies seen and sold at festivals, followed by a 3 picture deal. But the reality is, these types of deals are…
With the demise of traditional DVD distribution, you as a filmmaker are responsible for your audience. Why? Because your audience is your business – and without an audience you will have no movie business. Having an audience database for your movie is essential…
If you are promoting your movie online, you need to create a simple website. You should have a trailer, an about page, a buy now button, links to your social networks and an easy way for someone to sign up for your audience list.
Marketing your movie doesn’t have to be complicated. In this film distribution article, Jason Brubaker shares five tips for marketing your movie.
A BIG reason movies fail is because filmmakers do not define their target audience. This article provides quick tactics on how to find your target audience.
If you’re filmmaker seeking practical filmmaking tips you can use TODAY, I’d like so share some thoughts with you. The world of filmmaking is changing. Producing content is getting cheaper. And distribution outlets are becoming increasingly accessible. While these changes have not fully hit mainstream Hollywood, you can rest assured that it’s only a matter of time until the ripple effect has a leveling impact.