How NOT To Get Your Screenplay Read (For Smart Screenwriters)

How Not To Get Your Screenplay Read

A few years back I had the first draft of my first screenplay ever. Like a lot of folks who dream of Hollywood success, I was eager to share my work with the world. Problem was, I had no idea what I was doing. Through a friend of a friend, I was put in contact with an “entertainment attorney.”

How to Take Charge of Your Indie Filmmaking Projects

indie filmmaking projects

If this is your first feature, don’t feel bad if you cry. Most filmmakers either lose their temper or cry or both. If you have to cry or lose your temper, call a time out and take a walk. Go somewhere nobody can see you. There is no quicker way to lose credibility than losing your emotions on set—especially a low-budget set.

Warning: Lazy People In Hollywood Can Hurt Your Career

lazy people in Hollywood

The other night a friend of a friend of a friend kept telling me how upset he was that someone stole his movie idea. The story had something to do with space and time travel and a villain… I don’t remember. I asked him if he actually wrote a script, or if it was just an idea. He told me it was just an idea. Said he thinks someone overheard him at the local coffee shop.

The First Time I Got Fired (In The Movie Biz)

i got fired

And although everyone was happy to teach me the inner workings of production, off set, it was my responsibility to scrub toilets and mop the floors. I didn’t mind the crap work. In fact, scrubbing toilets taught me a valuable lesson. I realized if I can keep my dreams bigger than the crap, I can get through pretty much anything. I had no choice but to become the most successful janitor this company ever had. And I never complained. Someone had to do it, and at the very least, I ate lunch with a group of talented film and video professionals.

Screenwriting Help: How To Keep Your Script Out Of The Trash

screenwriting help

Are you looking for your next Four-Quadrant natural disaster, Sci-Fi movie? I have an idea that will blow you away. It’s about the end of the universe and involves spaceships and aliens and zombies and disease and it includes a love story. Please email me back today because this is going to make BILLIONS! And I can only wait a few minutes for your response before I pitch this to someone else.

Aspiring screenwriter: Go Hollywood or go indie?

go indie

Because I’ve written a few books about screenwriting I sometimes get questions from people just starting out on their careers. One query that has started coming up more often recently is whether it’s better to chase the Hollywood dream or get involved with indie films, including ones made for the web…

Screenwriting: Why Kim Cattrall got mad at me

If you’re writing a script to be read by someone who is possibly going to buy it, you want to make it as easy and entertaining as possible. Yes, it’s easy to overdo the parentheticals, ideally your dialogue itself suggests how it will be delivered. But when it helps, go ahead. A sarcastic remark from an actress is not too high a price to pay.

Are screenplay contests worth entering?

I’m pretty skeptical about script contests as a way to further your career. There are success stories but I think they’re the exception. So I was interested to read the view of Chad Gervich on the Script website. He says that winning a script rarely gives you the edge

Film Shot On Cannon 7D

One benefit of shooting with the Canon 7D was at a train station. Normally shooting this scene with another camera, it would catch a lot of attention and we probably would have been run off by security immediately. Knowing that there was no dialogue during this scene, I was able to shoot bare bones with the 7D and probably from a far, it looked like we were just taking pictures. No security ever questioned us and we filmed that entire sequence in under 40 minutes.

Filmmaking Seminar Los Angeles

For Los Angeles based fimmakers looking to take their show to business, I recommend checking out the next Norman Berns workshop. In this full-day, hands-on instruction, you will gain experience on scheduling, budgeting, business plans, ptiching, fundraising and distribution.

The Secret Society Of Modern Indie Filmmakers

As a result of lower priced production equipment, coupled with non-discriminatory distribution, YOU can make, market and sell your movie this year and you don’t need to ask permission.

Crowdfunding To Source An Audience for Your Filmmaking

Your filmmaking crowdfunding campaign will allow you to raise money – but as an important ancillary benefit, your campaign will also allow you test your movie concept with a built in, responsive focus group. Assuming you reach your funding goal, you will not only generate your initial buzz…

Filmmaking interview with Nathan Wrann

I interviewed Nathan Wrann because he serves as a good example for any filmmaker who ever wanted to make movies without making excuses. In our talk, you’ll get down and dirty tips for no-money productions, promotion, marketing and distribution. This is a man who doesn’t care about reviews. This is a filmmaker who wants to do meaningful work that is unique.