Get More VOD Sales with Better Reviews
If you’re an indie filmmaker trying to get your movie noticed, here’s something that might surprise you… Movie reviews boost visibility more than …
If you’re an indie filmmaker trying to get your movie noticed, here’s something that might surprise you… Movie reviews boost visibility more than …
Landing a killer film distribution deal is about reducing risk and increasing the potential reward for a prospective distributor. The problem is that …
There is lots of talk in the filmmaking community about how to build your audience. In this filmmaking article we ask if email is better than social media.
In this movie marketing article, Jason Brubaker helps you avoid the 5 movie marketing mistakes that make you look dumb.
Marketing your movie doesn’t have to be complicated. In this film distribution article, Jason Brubaker shares five tips for marketing your movie.
If you are looking to market your movie, I would like to provide you with a list of what not to do. The reason for this list is simple – Most filmmakers are screwing up. Find out how.
Many filmmakers spend years making their first feature, only to have their hopes of prosperity evaporate at the first sign of rejection and disappointment. The festival circuit can be hard enough. Add thoughts of a non-existent traditional distribution deal, and you might find yourself becoming very cynical.
In this filmmaking article, filmmaker Bojan Dulabi shows you how to promote Your Movie With BitTorrent so you can sell your movie.