Are Dentists the Secret to Raising Money for Your Movie?

dentist movie investors

If you’ve been hustling to raise money for your film, chances are someone has told you, “Dentists are a great source of film …

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How To Make Your First Feature Without Going Bonkers

first feature

Sooner or later the filmmaking bug hits you. . . It’s like a far off voice or compulsion. But like breathing, for the serious independent filmmaker, the need to make a feature is always present.

Changes In The Movie Industry

changes in the movie industry

Yesterday I had breakfast with a studio executive from one of the Majors here in Los Angeles. Much of what we talked about revolved around changes in the movie industry and how many of the studio folks are slow to implement new ideas. With an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 independent movies flooding the market each year, the movie industry is experiencing what happens to any industry when cheap labor, inexpensive production…

Filmmaking Stuff Is On Face Book

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Your friendships with other filmmakers dictate the scope and scale of your movies. And while not everyone you meet in the movie industry is going to become your best friend, it’s always great to know who to call, to help you make things happen.

How to Take Charge of Your Film Scheduling

film scheduling

For those of you considering producing your first feature, Film Scheduling is an invaluable part of the process. Your 1st AD is in charge of taking your screenplay, breaking it down and providing the initial schedule. That information is later used to budget your movie.