The Minimalist Guide to Internet Marketing For Filmmakers

internet marketing for filmmakers

By now you’ve heard of crowdfunding. But the little secret that nobody is talking about is this – Not all movie projects will get fully funded by the crowd. BUT. . .

Use This Secret Filmmaking Strategy So You Can Get Your Film Made

get your film made

Have you ever known a filmmaker who sent their demo reel into the Hollywood abyss? Maybe they sent it to an agency or a production company in hopes someone would discover their talent and hire them. Similarly, many screenwriters and aspiring actors have been known to employ this strategy too.

Indie PMD With Jon Reiss and Sheri Candler

Indie PMD

Jon Reiss and Sheri Candler stopped by Filmmaking Stuff a few months back to discuss the new role of the PMD. For those of you who aren’t aware of the term – PMD stands for producer of marketing and distribution. It’s a phrase Jon Reiss coined in his filmmaking book called Think Outside the Box Office.

Make Filmmaking Your Next Small Business

“If you want to make a living making movies, you need to realize that your library and the subsequent audience you source (over your career) are your major assets. And, as a result, your most important filmmaking focus (aside from doing good work) is to acquire and keep a customer,” he emphasizes.

Filmmaker David Allen Talks Modern Moviemaking and VOD Distribution

Earlier this week, I caught wind of an indie production company based in Australia called Rapidfire Productions. This is a production company that operates as a self sustaining modern moviemaking business. They develop movies, get money, make their movies and through their own distribution arm, the company reaches the masses.

Indie Film Finance And Production Conference Los Angeles

Do you want to come meet and ask questions about Video On Demand and internet marketing for your movie?
On November 11th, I’ll be speaking and participating in the 2010 Indie Film Finance And Production Conference in Los Angeles.

Self Distribution and MovieMaker’s Future of Movie Making 2010

Movie Maker Magazine The Future of Movie Making 2010

In the issue, you’ll get a whole bunch of useful movie making information, including the 25 Must-Have Movie Making Apps, information on HDSLR camera as well as a great interview with Roger Corman. Los Angeles based producer Jason Brubaker provides solutions for self distribution.

Filmmaking through Toxic Soup

A few years back, while flying aboard a loud propeller driven airplane somewhere over the snow capped mountains of Colorado, I heard the …

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