The Minimalist Guide to Internet Marketing For Filmmakers

internet marketing for filmmakers

By now you’ve heard of crowdfunding. But the little secret that nobody is talking about is this – Not all movie projects will get fully funded by the crowd. BUT. . .

Keven Smith talks Movie Distribution

I love Kevin Smith’s attitude towards modern movie distribution. If you’re like most independent filmmakers, what Kevin was able to accomplish from his days of Clerks has been amazing. Back then, he not only dreamed the Sundance Dream, but he realized the dream as well.

Filmmaking eZine and Free Tools

I get excited about Video On Demand and the various popular internet marketplaces like iTunes and Amazon, is because movie distribution is no longer discriminatory. This means that you can actually control your own business and marketing plan.

Filmmaking Dilemma To Stream or Not To Stream

Since starting filmmaking stuff, I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of spammy hype emails promoting new filmmaking technologies that allow filmmakers to stream their independent movies. While many of these companies have a cool concept, the truth is, I think many of these streaming solutions are a waste of time.

7 Step Filmmaking Formula For Selling Your Movie Online

As a feature filmmaker, one of the biggest problems YOU have is finding a traditional distribution deal (that actually makes sense) for your movie. With each passing day, we get closer and closer to a world where DVD sales channels are being replaced by video on demand. And while we are not there yet, after spending the greater part of last weekend watching streaming content on NetFlix and Hulu, I am now of the opinion that the days of DVD distribution are numbered.

Movie Sales Funnel | Sell Your Movie PT 4

Filmmaking is changing. Like it or not, if you want to make a living making movies, you need to learn about the business side of independent movie making. And if this is your first time on filmmaking stuff, you are reading step 4 of a 7 part series on how to sell your movie How To Sell Your Movie On iTunes, Amazon and Netflix For Maximum Profit.

Jon Reiss and Sheri Candler talk Movie Marketing and Distribution

The traditional independent filmmaking business was defined by a filmmaker finding a script, locating investors, raising money, making the movie and then landing an awesome distribution deal – and living happily ever after. Over the last few years, the entire model of indie filmmaking has gone Topsy-Turvy…