How To Survive The Movie Business

survive the movie business

Surviving the Movie Industry in times of change is similar to surviving other industries going through change. Necessitated by the need for cash (survival), many of you will be forced to see the world as an entrepreneur. Even if you aren’t ready, you may have to learn how to produce your own profitable movies…

How To Make Your First Feature Without Going Bonkers

first feature

Sooner or later the filmmaking bug hits you. . . It’s like a far off voice or compulsion. But like breathing, for the serious independent filmmaker, the need to make a feature is always present.

How To Make A Living Filmmaking So You Can Quit Your Day Job

make a living filmmaking

In the past, filmmakers made a movie, got lucky and ended up with a BIG paycheck with incremental increases on the back end. These days filmmakers need to think about their movies in ways akin to how traditional investors think about dividends from bonds – once you make the investment, it’s a long term game!

How Not To Get Screwed By Filmmaking Partners Who Suck

filmmaking partners

A long time ago, I worked on a short movie with a guy. Long story short, I found out the guy was being untruthful about money. He had hired one of my friends to build our movie website. When confronted, he told me some sort of story that was completely stupid and untruthful. Because he was a “friend,” I gave him the benefit of belief and dropped the subject.