Are Dentists the Secret to Raising Money for Your Movie?

dentist movie investors

If you’ve been hustling to raise money for your film, chances are someone has told you, “Dentists are a great source of film …

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What Carole Lee Dean Can Teach Us About Producing


If you were making movies 20 years ago it would cost you 10 times more to make a film. So ask yourself, “why was I given so much talent and born during the third most important time in the history of mankind.” Here you are with a great opportunity and all that talent. Do you really believe the universe would put you here at this time and not finance you? Of course not.

Filmmaking Stuff Audio Interview With Carole Lee Dean

Carole Lee Dean is an industry legend. As an entrepreneur, producer and supporter of independent film, her influence has had a positive impact on filmmaking around the world. Most notoriously, 30 years ago, Carole took a $20 bill and created the $50 million a year short end industry. Her company was instrumental in the birth of the Hollywood independent film community because she offered film to Indies at prices they could afford. Customers like Cassavetes took chances with her raw stock and succeeded.

Independent Film Financing

As you may or may not know, independent film funding can be a little overwhelming. If you’ve ever dabbled in the business side of making a movie, you know what I mean. The first time I heard people talk about writing a business plan or offering a private placement memorandum, I suddenly felt like I was on another planet. And if you’re like most filmmakers, you would much rather focus on actually getting your movie made, instead of cold calling rich and successful people to set up random pitch meetings…