The Great Film Funding Hoax: Why Investors Don’t Care (And What To Do)

film funding

One of the toughest parts of getting business minded prospective investors to take you seriously is distribution. Like it or not, your film distribution strategy has a ripple effect on all other aspects of your movie production, including film finance…

Indie Film Finance And Production Conference Los Angeles

Do you want to come meet and ask questions about Video On Demand and internet marketing for your movie?
On November 11th, I’ll be speaking and participating in the 2010 Indie Film Finance And Production Conference in Los Angeles.

Independent Film Financing

As you may or may not know, independent film funding can be a little overwhelming. If you’ve ever dabbled in the business side of making a movie, you know what I mean. The first time I heard people talk about writing a business plan or offering a private placement memorandum, I suddenly felt like I was on another planet. And if you’re like most filmmakers, you would much rather focus on actually getting your movie made, instead of cold calling rich and successful people to set up random pitch meetings…