My Secret Filmmaking Software Stash Revealed

How I Found The Secret Filmmaking Software Stash (and How You Can Benefit.)

If you're looking for filmmaking software, I found a major bargain on brand new software.

Since everybody loves a story, let me give you some insight…

Aside from making and marketing movies, I LOVE finding treasures. (Who doesn't, right?)

In fact, I go to extremes. If you ever come out to Los Angeles and look in my trunk, you'll see I carry a gold pan.

(Yes. That's right. So I can pan for gold.)

I do this because you never know when you'll find gold. In fact, a few months ago, after literally hours of panning for gold in the middle of an Arizona creek – I found a little spec.

It wasn't much, but it gave me gold fever.

What about filmmaking software?

Now that you know more about me, let's get down to brass tacks. Or in this case, let's talk filmmaking software.

My Secret Filmmaking Software Stash Revealed

Picture this. The other night I walk over to the In-N-Out burger on Sunset Blvd.

It's like 10:30PM and I just have a major hankering for a Double-double. (If you haven't tried one, add it to your bucket list.)

And as I order, someone calls my name. At first, I thought it might be a Filmmaking Stuff reader… Because, well… Just because…

Turns out it was a friend also had the same hankering for a burger.

“Hey Jason! I see you have a hankering for a Double-Double.”

Despite having ten-million people, Los Angeles really is a small town. And I guess In-N-Out on Sunset is a great place to network. “In-N-Out, that's what a hamburger's all about.”

What I do know is this.

My friend told me about a software store going out of business.

More importantly she said they had a ton of production software. And she also added that if I wanted to buy some, I better act NOW. Because the entire inventory was going on a MAJOR, rock bottom, better-act-fast sale.

Naturally I got excited. I know it might sound crazy. But knowing about this secret stash of filmmaking software made it hard to sleep.

Knowing about this filmmaking software gave me gold fever.

So as  soon as I got out of bed, I rushed to my car and  drove across town. I didn't know what I would find, but I was feeling a gold rush. I imagined I would find a treasure of filmmmaking software.

And while I always think everything I do is a good idea. Like you, I've had my fair set of challenges, setbacks and disappointments.

I'm human too.

But lucky for both you and me, this prospective expedition proved worthwhile.

Here's how it went down:

1. I arrived at the store and walked over to a table filled with software. I noticed some cool stuff like Budget Forms Pro, Movie Forms Pro, Movie Magic 5 and some movie business plan software..I thought, not bad…

2. Then I asked the woman working there how much for ALL of the filmmaking software.

3. She named a price. I countered. She said: SOLD!

4. Then I opened my trunk, set my gold pan aside and filled every bit of the area with the awesome, brand new filmmaking software.

5. I drove home and researched the current retail price for the software. Then I put it on eBay for much less than retail. (In some cases, like 50% less than retail.)

And now I'm telling you all about it.

Seriously. I am not sure how much you enjoy a bargain. But you will not find the same filmmaking software for any less. And just to make sure you're getting a good deal, I advise you to do some research on each title. Compare the prices, and you will see exactly how I passed along this savings to you.

In this case, we both win.

If you want to check out what I'm taking about, follow this link:

And one more thing…

I found out the hard way that putting stuff on eBay is time consuming. And all the time starting at my computer screen gives me double-vision. Suffice it to say, I do not yet have the entire secret filmmaking software stash listed.

So over the next week, you will want to check this link frequently to see what else I have. That way, you'll be able to grab any new filmmaking software listings before anybody else. Hope this helps you.

Again, if you're interested – follow this link:

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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