3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need To Produce An Independent Movie

So you want to produce an independent movie? Great. I think this is the best time in history to finally make your indie movie. But if you don't watch it, self doubt and procrastination can get in the way of your good ideas. So let me share 3 surprising reasons you need to ignore the inner voice and take action.

Produce An Independent Movie

3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need To Produce An Independent Movie NOW!

Let me provide 3 surprising why you should produce an independent movie this year:

1. The Cost of Production: As a result of technology, the cost of production has gone down dramatically for micro-to-low budget movies. You can make your movie look super expensive, add some kick-butt FX and also get an awesome, high resolution image. And assuming you're super crafty, stuff that once cost millions can be done for under 10K.

2. Post Production In Your Bedroom: Once you complete principal photography, you can complete your entire post product with the power of a laptop. To give you newbies some perspective – nearly a decade ago, you would originate your content on film, not HD.

After that, you would pay to have the film processed, color corrected, transferred to video, edited and then transferred back to film. You would also handle your sound design in much the same way. (And to really give you perspective, I had to physically “cut” my film on a flatbed editor.)

Today you can walk to your local Mac store and get a laptop and software that does this for you.

3. Film Distribution Is Accessible: Once you have a polished, finished film, getting your work to the world is much easier. With some good internet marketing and the use of social networking tools, you no longer need a middle-man to reach the marketplace. Video on demand has becoming the norm.

There are many people out there making movies and making money making movies that are far less talented than you. Just believe in your ability. Keep pushing forward. And when you get to the other side, you'll wonder why you waited so long! If you liked these tactics, download my filmmaker checklist.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

If you'd like more tactics like the article you just read, make sure to grab a copy of the filmmaker checklist. You'll get 65 useful steps you can employ to produce your next feature film.