How To Woo Private Film Investors (Even If You Hate Pitching)

You may have all the creative talent in the world, a team ready to help you make your film and an idea that’s sure to be a major blockbuster… But if you lack the funds needed to fund your movie, the whole process is gonna be tough. It is at this point when most filmmakers start wondering how to find private film investors.

When you start exploring film funding options, you will also experience a few fears: losing control of your movie, uncertainty about where to look for an investor, and more. But one that is high on the list is actually figuring out how to pitch, especially if you hate the process of pitching your movie.

private film investors

Private Film Investors Are Out There

With that in mind, it’s worth taking a look at a few key points that can help make it easier to figure out just how to woo those private film investors and get them to put up some money to help you make your movie.


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...Without Begging For Money!

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  • First, understand that this is your passion project, not an investor’s. In other words, just explain to private film investors just how much you want to make your movie or what it means to you will be insignificant to them. Investors are looking for how a movie benefits them, nothing else. 
  • That’s not to say that all investors are just thinking about your movie for financial return. That’s a majority of private investors, for sure. But others may just want to be famous or feel significant. Some may own a local business and expect to get marketing through the film somehow. The key thing to understand is that you need to be able to identify what it is that interests an investor and focus on that during the pitch, not things that they don’t care about. 
  • Another point to remember is that finding investors can be an emotional roller coaster ride of epic proportions. You’ll gain interest and see enthusiasm from an investor only to suddenly lose traction and be turned down. Calls won’t be answered. Investors may ignore you. Don’t lose faith or motivation – perseverance is a major part of what drives success forwards in this industry. 

Those are the three fundamental things to pay attention to when trying to woo private film investors. Know their motivations and target them, and be ready to experience a challenge.

Here's a video on The Secret to Pitching Film Investors:

If you can do this, you’ll be on your way to attracting better opportunities for yourself and your movie. And if you're interested, make sure you Film Business Plan

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Tom Malloy is a film producer, actor, and writer. Over the course of his career, he has raised over twenty-five million dollars to produce, and distribute multiple feature films. If you're ready to "level up" your film producing, make sure to check out Movie Plan Pro. The video training and downloadable film business plan template will provide you with the same tools Malloy uses when approaching prospective film investors.