Movie Sales Agent Screw Up

I can't go into details. I won't mention names. But as a filmmaker, it is emails like the one quoted below that make me go bonkers. I can't believe something like this can happen… But it does:

“…I finally spoke to the (confidential television network) today and as it turns out the contract was never signed.  As you know without a signed contract we can't argue anything. I'm sorry that I mislead you, but it was never my intent.”

Now before I go further, I want you to know that there are GOOD sales agents. And there are GOOD traditional distributors. But before you go into business with any middle-man, my advice for all filmmakers is to ALWAYS conduct your due diligence. And if later, you find yourself working with someone who supposedly makes a deal with a TV network – but forgets to get a contract signed (please note: we think this is very fishy), then at the very least – you should never work with that guy again.

It is not part of my character to bad mouth. I really, really want to. Because I'm pissed. But this is part of the business. It's the part most people experience but try to forget. And as a loyal reader of Filmmaking Stuff, it's probably better for both of us if I continually expose the good and the not-so good.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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