5 Ways To Market A Movie (Without The Shenanigans)

Congratulations! Your movie is complete. The hard work is done, right? Not quite. To find success and recoup some of your investment, you are going to have to market a movie.

When it comes time to market a movie, the name of the game is hustle. The more you hustle, the more sales you make. The more sales you make, the more your film rises in individual store rankings (like iTunes, Amazon and Google Play). The more your film rises in the rankings, the more people discover your work.

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5 Ways To Market A Movie (Without The Shenanigans)

Here are five things to consider when it comes time to take your film to market.

  • Get Your Film Into POPULAR Online Stores – The reason you want to get your film into places like iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, FandangoNow and VUDU is because these are places where people already shop. You'll then have the ability to offer your film as a digital rental, or purchase. Also pick a price that ends in 97 0r 99. People are attracted to odd numbers for some reason, so going with a price of $14.99 or $9.99 may be eye catching.
  • Rework Your Website – Get rid of the extra stuff on your website. Limit your site to a high-resolution trailer, a low resolution trailer, and a few “Buy Now” buttons that redirect visitors to their preferred online stores.
  • Refine Your Trailer – Especially if people aren’t buying your film. Your trailer should reflect the best aspects of your film, tailored to your intended target audience. Include the trailer on YouTube, with links back to your website.
  • Drive Web Traffic – You can get web traffic for free, or through paid advertising. Free traffic takes a long time to create, but it's free. Advertising is fast. But if you choose to advertise, make sure your you don't lose money!
  • Test, Test, and Retest – Install Google Analytics on your website. It will give you information about your visitor behavior, including where your visitors come from, how long they stay and how they exit.

Perseverance Is Required To Market Your Movie

Marketing your movie usually requires more persistence than making the movie. There will likely be days when you don't feel like doing the work. On those days, just remember you’ve put countless hours into completing the film. And you owe it to the world to share your work. For more info on marketing and distributing your film, go here.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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