How To Manage Fear Of Failure In Filmmaking

Learning how to manage fear of failure in filmmaking is essential for your success. Yet for some reason, you're stuck. What if you attempt to make your film and it fails or falls apart? What would you do with your dreams then?

You're not alone. Odds are good you've met someone who has all the talent in the world, but is so stuck in a fortified comfort zone that they can't realize their potential. I believe all of us know this person. And if you’re like me, every once in a while, an honest look in the mirror reveals that person is you!

manage fear of failure in filmmaking

How To Manage Fear Of Failure In Filmmaking

Everyone strives to maintain certainty in life. But this isn’t always possible. Change is inevitable. And when you’re working to realize your filmmaking career goals, you soon realize that real growth comes from periods of uncertainty. And believe me, learning how to manage fear so you can venture into the unknown can be spooky.

Successful Hollywood players have learned to manage fear and succeed in moments of uncertainty. The unsuccessful quit early. And to achieve your filmmaking goals, you must learn to manage your fear and not become debilitated by it. Otherwise you could spend your life talking, but never doing.

From time to time, you need to push past your comfort zone and grow. This isn’t easy. So to help you, here are three action steps you can employ today to help you manage fear:

1. Next time you’re in a checkout line, strike up a conversation with someone else in line.

2. You become the people you hang out with. Resolve today to spend more time with courageous friends.

3. Make at least one short film per week, even if it's just using your camera phone. Do it. The small projects will allow you to make mistakes and learn from them.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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