Interview with filmmaker Casey Walker

Ever wondered how to raise money for movies but had trouble finding people willing to participate? For feature filmmaker Casey Walker, solving this problem only took a little creativity. By selling off frames of his movie, one frame at a time, Casey Walker's innovative approach to financing his current feature project, titled: Free For All…But You! has gotten him international attention and even caught the interest of Kevin Smith.

For 10 dollars (Canadian), anyone can become a producer in his movie. Recently Casey Walker decided to make his film “climate neutral” too.

Filmmaking Stuff caught up with Casey for a quick interview:

Filmmaking Stuff: Casey, many filmmakers are reading this and looking for funding for their movies. I guess you solved that problem. Tell us how?

Casey Walker: Well, I wouldn't say that I've solved every filmmaker's problem regarding financing, but I've found a way that works for me. Instead of going to the studios or big-money people, I've turned to the public for assistance. I created a website,, to help finance my first film. For as little as $10 (Canadian), people can purchase a frame of my movie and become a producer. There are many benefits, and when we sell the film, you get your money back and decide which environmental charity gets your profits. It's win win win!

Filmmaking Stuff: If you buy a frame, do you become a producer? Wh.t does a producer get in return?

Casey Walker: When you buy frames, you become a producer and get a page on our site where you can post links, photos, and videos to promote yourself, your business, or your project. You get to participate in the casting process and are entered into some terrific contests, and in the end, your money is not only helping me achieve my dream but will help keep the planet beautiful.

Filmmaking Stuff: Did you have to consult a lawyer to offer this investment opportunity to the masses? Or is your financing structured as more of a sponsorship?

Casey Walker: I spent quite a lot with lawyers planning this out. It's not only sponsorship-based but an essential charity element is involved. And how many charities can you support where you're donations get returned and stand a chance of generating additional profits for that cause? And the film is wicked funny, so that's a plus too!

Filmmaking Stuff: It's a great innovation on a novel idea. How is the progress coming so far?


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Casey Walker: Like anything new, it has been exciting, and there have been a lot of ups and downs. But we are picking up some significant momentum, and I'm having a lot of fun starting our casting process.

Filmmaking Stuff: I recently saw that Kevin Smith had become a producer, and you have the video to prove it. What prompted you to get him involved? Have you heard from him since?

Casey Walker: One of the producers on the project approached Kevin Smith, and things just went from there. He is an insanely busy guy, and I didn't expect to hear from him right away. But I'm sure I'll hear from him over the next few months, even if it's just to scold me a little more. I have a lot of respect for what he has achieved, and shaking his hand and getting those words of encouragement certainly have been one of the highlights of this project so far.

Filmmaking Stuff: What's all this stuff in the press? Are you a green filmmaker?

Casey Walker: Yep, I've been in this business for ten years and seen a lot of waste. I've always been conscious of it but never in many positions to do anything about it… until now. I wanted to entertain people without it causing damage to the environment, so I've spent quite a bit of time researching ways to ensure we don't leave a significant mark on the planet just to make a movie.

I've partnered with some excellent groups to ensure our producers access certified environmental organizations. And I'm going to start doing weekly webisodes on little things an indie filmmaker can do to make their set/film green.

Filmmaking Stuff: Many of our readers have not yet made a feature. What advice do you give to new filmmakers chomping at the bit to get started?

Casey Walker: My advice would be to support your indie community and learn everything you can. And never give up on your dream. But don't be stupid. Make sure you have an excellent project to get behind. Then be organized, keep your overhead low and remember, this is a creative business so apply some of your creativity to whatever problems stand in the way of you making your film.

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For more information, check out Casey's website:

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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