The 5 Laws For Hollywood Success (For Smart Filmmakers)

Making a living in the movie biz is challenging. And frankly, garnering Hollywood success gets a lot more challenging when you screw people over. And while what I'm about to share is totally fictional, I can tell you that these types of things happen more than you know:

Dear Jason,

I'm very sorry. I know you've been calling about the money we owe you for your totally wonderful (and very valuable) film distribution system. So far, we put your tips to practice and we've been seeing great results.

As a result (as you can imagine), we have been incredibly busy! We recently upgraded our editing suite (you should come over and check out our brand new facility – it's awesome!) But anyway, I know we are a few months behind with those payments.

If it's okay with you, maybe give us a call after the holiday (we are headed to Key West for the fourth of July. Have you been there? It's amazing!) Anyway, I promise we can discuss payment. If it's totally urgent, maybe we can just settle on half the money we previously agreed upon?

Anyway, I'm sure we can work it out.



Hollywood success

The 5 Laws For Hollywood Success

As mentioned, the above scenario is totally fictional. But this sort of thing happens. And whenever this happens, relationships end. Bridges get burnt. And Hollywood reputations get ruined.

Here are the 5 laws for Hollywood Success:

1. Don't do business with people who you wouldn't want to introduce to your mother.
2. Get everything (EVERYTHING) in writing. Even among friends. Especially among friends.
3. Always honor your word. If you make an honest mistake, work to rectify it immediately!
4. Plan for the best, but always ask yourself – what is the worst that can happen? Then plan for that!
5. Treat everyone with respect. The man fetching coffee today, controls the money tomorrow.

No matter what side of the deal you're on (I assume you will be honorable in all your dealings) just be a good person. Do what you say you're going to do, when you're going to do it.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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