How To Get Local Publicity For Your Film

When trying to promote a movie that folks have otherwise not heard of, all ink is potentially good ink. If you're producing your movie somewhere locally (AKA not Hollywood), then learning how to get local publicity for your film can help build buzz around your projects.This is because, regardless of publication or geography, most anything written about your film will end up on the internet. So always be mindful of how you present your project

get local publicity

How To Get Local Publicity For Your Film

If you are producing your film outside of Los Angles and NYC, then getting local press is simple. Here are some steps you can take to help further your reach.


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  1. If you're shooting in a small town, contact your local news. You'll probably get written up in the paper. You might even get interviewed for the nightly news.
  2. When these folks agree to profile your movie, try to think of interesting topics you can discuss. If they take pictures, get yourself around some lights and equipment. That will make you look like a serious filmmaker.
  3. Finally, as they say in sales, if you don't ask for the sale, you don't get the sale. Do not be afraid to call journalists up and treat them to lunch to discuss your project. Never know where that will go…

Even if you aren't producing a feature, you might still be able to attract attention for a short film. Just remember to keep an ongoing collection of all good press written about your project. You may need it later.

In The Publicity Handbookget local publicity, you'll get the Inside Scoop from More than 100 Journalists and PR professionals on how to get great publicity. If you can learn to master publicity in the early stages of your filmmaking career, imagine what you can do when you projects become ginormous!

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

If you'd like more tactics like the article you just read, make sure to grab a copy of the filmmaker checklist. You'll get 65 useful steps you can employ to produce your next feature film.