How to Generate A Sticky Story Your Audience Will Love

After listening to thousands of pitches, I can tell you a “sticky story,” not just a story, but one I can easily remember. When you pitch someone, it's an opportunity to spread the word about your film to all their friends. Yes, but only if they can remember it.

“Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath says that “too often you are cursed with too much knowledge.”

Bringing that wealth of info into a simple sticky story is the key to the perfect pitch.

sticky story

How To Generate A Sticky Story Your Audience Will Love

A “sticky story” is one where you take all your knowledge of your film and transform it into a simple story that is easy to remember. The first rule is to keep it simple and find the core of the idea.

You may have paragraphs of info; keep taking things away until you can't take anything else out or lose the essence.

Find the core.

Think of journalists who create lead copy for articles; you get the story in a few words. They prioritize. So can you.

This sticky story needs something unexpected; this is to be sure you get their attention.

You might ask a question that your indie movie needs to answer. It can be a surprise like a shocking fact, a point of interest they will remember, or a massive change in direction for the film.

It would help if you had something concrete, like specific people doing specific things or giving them some facts. Concrete ideas are easy for people to remember and create a foundation.

Credible information makes people believe your story. This can be a place for truthful core details, and please make them as vivid as possible. We need to see your movie pitch.

Emotion Is Next

I say, “touch my heart, and I reach for my pocketbook.”

We communicate through the heart chakra, so touch me with your story.

You can do this through one of your characters. Let me feel them.

When you pitch me your “sticky story,” I want to walk away with your film in my mind forever.

Then I can tell my friends that I invested or donated to your film and brag about it.

Remember, you have carried this sticky story for several years, and your audience is just hearing about it. That's why brevity and a sticky story are needed to transmit your knowledge.

If you're interested, From the Heart Productions, the non-profit dedicated to helping you get your films funded will run an innovative Intentional Filmmaking Class. The class gives filmmakers the tools and belief in themselves they need to raise money for their projects.

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Carole Lee Dean is an industry legend. As an entrepreneur, producer, and supporter of independent film, her influence has positively impacted filmmaking worldwide. Most notoriously, 30 years ago, Carole took a $20 bill and created the $50 million-a-year short-end industry. Check out Carole Dean's upcoming event: Intentional Filmmaking.

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