Film Producing
At Filmmaking Stuff, we are dedicated to providing filmmaking articles related to production, production equipment (cameras, lighting, audio), film scheduling, budgeting, casting and directing. From time to time, we will also include articles from guest filmmakers. We have provided the following ideas and filmmaking tips so that you can take action and make your movie.
How To Manage Fear Of Failure In Filmmaking
Learning how to manage fear of failure in filmmaking is essential for your success. Yet for some reason, you’re stuck. What if you …
The Price of Hollywood
Filmmaking in Hollywood is a tough career. What price will you pay to become successful in Hollywood?
Pick Your Peers And Level Up Your Filmmaking
If you want to level up your filmmaking career, you need to pick your peers wisely. I’m speaking from experience when I tell …
How To Become A Successful Filmmaker (Without Going To Film School)
Many would-be filmmakers waste valuable time trying to make everything perfect, when the true secret to becoming a successful filmmaker involves simply assessing your resources and making the movie you can make now.
5 Great Platforms for Filmmakers (So You Can Accelerate Your Career)
The presence of independent films on the internet has grown immeasurably over the last ten years. Streaming services like attract millions of views. …
How To Start Your Own (mini) Movie Studio From Anywhere
There will come a day when all entertainment will be on-demand and cheap to consume. The question is, will you ignore this movement and continue to play your distribution lottery ticket in hopes of winning the dream deal…
How to Generate A Sticky Story Your Audience Will Love
In this filmmaking article, Carole Lee Dean provides a solid strategy for generating sticky story ideas your audience will love.
The Minimalist Guide To Making A Movie Outside Hollywood
In this filmmaking article, producer Jason Brubaker talks about the toughest part of making a movie and how to overcome common obstacles. Read more…
Secrets of Successful Indie Filmmakers: Don’t Give Up
In this filmmaking article, Jason Brubaker shares the secrets of successful indie filmmakers. And the first secret is, don’t give up.
How To Become a Director Without Waiting For Hollywood
Have you ever wondered how to become a director? As a filmmaker, bringing your vision to life and sharing your story with the world is one of the primary reasons you make movies.
7 Tips On How To Make A Backyard Indie This Year
This filmmaking question came from one of our readers named Paul. He wondered how to make a movie on a shoestring. So I put together five workable tips…
How to Take Charge of Your Indie Filmmaking Projects
If this is your first feature, don’t feel bad if you cry. Most filmmakers either lose their temper or cry or both. If you have to cry or lose your temper, call a time out and take a walk. Go somewhere nobody can see you. There is no quicker way to lose credibility than losing your emotions on set—especially a low-budget set.
Are Film Festivals Worth It For Serious Indie Filmmakers?
YOU are now responsible for marketing, promotion and distribution of your movie. And inline with this strategy, you must view regional and second tier festivals as an opportunity to build your audience list. But instead of handing out postcards to other filmmakers, your marketing strategy will be smarter.
Should You Go To Film School? Interview With Seth Hymes
If you’re just starting out as a filmmaker, deciding if you should attend a traditional film school is something you need to decide. And it’s a costly decision – some of my friends here in Los Angles are over fifty-thousand dollars in debt…
Warning: Is Your Film Production Budget A Liability Or Insanity?
Creating a realistic film production budget is vitally important in prepping your project. But if you’re looking to attract investors, allocating the money …
Three Simple Steps To Achieve Filmmaking Success
Becoming a Filmmaking Success is challenging. In this article, we outline some ways you can become a success in your filmmaking career.
What Movie Producers Need To Know About Recording Audio In Filmmaking
Unless you’re making a silent film, every movie producer knows that recording audio in filmmaking is essential to bringing their cinematic vision to …
5 Huge Filmmaking Mistakes That Will Wreck Your Career
As filmmakers, we all make mistakes. Some are big. Some are small. But there are five colossal filmmaking mistakes that I’ve come across …
Is Filmmaking Your Hobby or Business?
As a filmmaker, when you set out to make your movie – you have to think of the process like a business. You are creating a product.You are going to take your product to market. And if the stars align, you will sell your product. To do this you will need…
Warning: Failing To Get Filmmaker Release Forms Can Ruin Your Film
You need filmmaker release forms for everybody. Point blank. Don’t skimp here. Get a lawyer. The name of the game is CYA. Get releases …
Three Major Film Industry Insights (I Wish I Knew Back Then)
Seven years ago I drove out to LA to dive into the mainstream film industry. Since that time, I have come up with three major insights I would like to share with you.
Warning: Lazy People In Hollywood Can Hurt Your Career
The other night a friend of a friend of a friend kept telling me how upset he was that someone stole his movie idea. The story had something to do with space and time travel and a villain… I don’t remember. I asked him if he actually wrote a script, or if it was just an idea. He told me it was just an idea. Said he thinks someone overheard him at the local coffee shop.
How To Make Indie Filmmaking Your Small Business
Part of why filmmaking seems challenging and impossible is because many of us start our career with the belief that filmmakers need a gazillion dollars, tons of experience and an address in Hollywood to make a living as a “real” filmmaker. While this was once true, the new model of movie making allows you to create and sell movies from anywhere in the world.
5 Takeaways from ATT Shape Event For Independent Filmmakers
Technology transforms and revolutionizes entertainment, which is happening at an accelerating pace in today’s world. This was on full display at ATT Shape. …
The 5 Laws For Hollywood Success (For Smart Filmmakers)
You should never burn a bridge in the movie industry. Your word is your honor. Here are the 5 laws for Hollywood Success…
The First Time I Got Fired (In The Movie Biz)
And although everyone was happy to teach me the inner workings of production, off set, it was my responsibility to scrub toilets and mop the floors. I didn’t mind the crap work. In fact, scrubbing toilets taught me a valuable lesson. I realized if I can keep my dreams bigger than the crap, I can get through pretty much anything. I had no choice but to become the most successful janitor this company ever had. And I never complained. Someone had to do it, and at the very least, I ate lunch with a group of talented film and video professionals.
15 Killer Resources So You Can Make A Movie This Year
If you have ever seen me at speaking events, you know that one of my core philosophies is to make a movie you can make this year. The reason I push this is because way too many filmmakers never do anything! But…
Use This Secret Filmmaking Strategy So You Can Get Your Film Made
Have you ever known a filmmaker who sent their demo reel into the Hollywood abyss? Maybe they sent it to an agency or a production company in hopes someone would discover their talent and hire them. Similarly, many screenwriters and aspiring actors have been known to employ this strategy too.
Modern Moviemaking Manifesto (For Smart Filmmakers)
Without a defined market or an established sales channel, it is difficult to justify financing, which makes it very difficult to pay cast and crew – which, by the way, makes it difficult to produce a movie.