Extreme DV Interview with Rick Schmidt

Rick Schmidt has written, directed and produced over 20 features which have premiered at major national and international film festivals all over the world, including Sundance, Berlin and London. His best selling filmmaking how-to books, Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices and Extreme DV at Used-Car Prices have influenced countless up-and-coming filmmakers and many noted indies, including Kevin Smith and Vin Diesel. In this filmmaker interview with Filmmaking Stuff, Rick Schmidt offers filmmaking advice to up-and-coming filmmakers on how to go out and make a feature now!

Filmmaking Stuff Video

Filmmaking Stuff was created to share all the “gee, I wish I knew then what I know now” sort of stuff. Please feel free to read every article on the site… If you like what you read, sign up for the free 21 part filmmaking mini-course. It’s packed full of all sorts of tidbits.

Film or HD

As a new filmmaker, I would suggest shooting HD video over film. While shooting film is cool – the added expense of film stock and film processing, not to mention eventual video transfer can greatly diminish your bank account.

Interview with Chris Ward

Chris Ward is an independent filmmaker currently residing in Stamford, Connecticut, which is about 35 miles outside New York City. Chris spent many years producing documentaries for Network television. He also teaches filmmaking at Quinnipiac University and the Maine Media Workshops. Fog Warning, his second feature, was just picked up by Wonderphil Productions and he has agreed to share his experience with Jason Brubaker of Filmmaking Stuff…

1 Week Movie

If you’re not a huge film production company with a big budget, then getting your movie in the can sooner, rather than later, could mean the difference between success and failure.

Making Mistakes

If you’re lucky enough to work for a heavy hitter or someone doing something cool, you must absorb everything you can about their strategies for success. But you must also make sure that everything you do, makes their lives easier.

My Filmmaking Story – Part 4 of 4

Somewhere between then and now, I relocated to Los Angeles, spent time working as an executive for a fortune 500 Investment bank, started a production company, garnered producer credits on some feature films, became a cult zombie fighting action hero (dream come true!), and made friends with some of the most well respected professionals in the industry.

My Filmmaking Story – Part 3 of 4

The next day, I was on Amtrak, headed into the heart of Manhattan. When I got off the train, things moved quickly. I had never worked in New York prior to this. The producer met me Penn Station, took me to the location, and gave me a list of things needed. I started the day fetching coffee and lemon lime seltzer water, and bagel