My Second Short Film Is Possibly The Worst Film Ever
I wanted to provide you with some context. About 12 years ago, I produced and directed my second short film. After drinking a half bottle of wine, it seemed like a good idea to post it her
At Filmmaking Stuff, we are dedicated to providing filmmaking articles related to production, production equipment (cameras, lighting, audio), film scheduling, budgeting, casting and directing. From time to time, we will also include articles from guest filmmakers. We have provided the following ideas and filmmaking tips so that you can take action and make your movie.
I wanted to provide you with some context. About 12 years ago, I produced and directed my second short film. After drinking a half bottle of wine, it seemed like a good idea to post it her
Before I moved to Los Angles, I stopped by my Pennsylvanian hometown for the Harrisburg Arts Film Festival. And there I saw a short movie called Burying Dvorak by a little known filmmaker named Levi Abrino. I gotta tell you, the film was awesome. Levi is talented…
As we enter the remaining six months of 2011, I am trying very hard to do a little less grinding, and hopefully finding time to have a lot more fun…
If you have seen me speak, you probably noticed that I use a lot of self-deprecating humor in my talks. For example, I usually talk about how bad my acting is, or how bad my movies are…
If you have a Kindle, and enjoy reading filmmaking stuff – I wanted to let you know that you can now access this …
I’m going to release a filmmaking book this summer. Read about it here…
I spoke at the UCLA film school and I got the impression that the next generation of filmmakers are open to new ideas, and new ways of making movies. Thanks to familiarity with YouTube as well as access to affordable production equipment, many modern filmmakers are embracing accessible, non-discriminatory distribution channels without hesitation or excuses.
I love Kevin Smith’s attitude towards modern movie distribution. If you’re like most independent filmmakers, what Kevin was able to accomplish from his days of Clerks has been amazing. Back then, he not only dreamed the Sundance Dream, but he realized the dream as well.
I get excited about Video On Demand and the various popular internet marketplaces like iTunes and Amazon, is because movie distribution is no longer discriminatory. This means that you can actually control your own business and marketing plan.
One benefit of shooting with the Canon 7D was at a train station. Normally shooting this scene with another camera, it would catch a lot of attention and we probably would have been run off by security immediately. Knowing that there was no dialogue during this scene, I was able to shoot bare bones with the 7D and probably from a far, it looked like we were just taking pictures. No security ever questioned us and we filmed that entire sequence in under 40 minutes.
For Los Angeles based fimmakers looking to take their show to business, I recommend checking out the next Norman Berns workshop. In this full-day, hands-on instruction, you will gain experience on scheduling, budgeting, business plans, ptiching, fundraising and distribution.
As a result of lower priced production equipment, coupled with non-discriminatory distribution, YOU can make, market and sell your movie this year and you don’t need to ask permission.
YouTube joined forces with a new app that allows you to create animated videos. This is a video I put together in like 5 minutes to tell the world about the free filmmaking tools available over at Free Filmmaking Book.
You commit to working on some writing (or other) project that is important to you for up to 8 hours, with short breaks every hour. You plan it so you know what you’ll be doing (for instance, nobody will actually write for 8 hours, but it could be a combination: some research, some writing, some getting organized, etc.) You don’t have to participate for the full 8 hours–even four or six hours of focused effort will give you a big boost.
scoreAscore utilizes an innovative “name-your-price” platform, scoreAscore’s services are offered to filmmakers at no cost, with absolutely nothing to lose! Here is a scoreAscore video which describes the service in more detail.
If you’re in LA and you’re looking for modern filmmaking information, you might want to check out The Business of Entertainment IV. The …
I believe video on demand distribution represents freedom for filmmakers. While there are many great sales agents and distributors, I am totally bothered by the sales agents and middle-men who have taken a bottom-feeding approach to VOD. These jerks make a living trying to sucker unsuspecting filmmakers into long term video on demand deals that suck. I put together the following video to express my disgust and also provide a new hope. As a modern moviemaker, there has never been a better time to make, market and sell your movies without the middle-man.
I interviewed Nathan Wrann because he serves as a good example for any filmmaker who ever wanted to make movies without making excuses. In our talk, you’ll get down and dirty tips for no-money productions, promotion, marketing and distribution. This is a man who doesn’t care about reviews. This is a filmmaker who wants to do meaningful work that is unique.
If you’re part of the filmmaking stuff community, you probably saw my email about a DSLR eBook that I was evaluating. Well, after sending the email, one of our readers (named Jonathan) responded with another good recommendation.
If you have a filmmaking friend that would benefit from becoming part of our filmmaking community, please feel free to send them to this article.
So if you happen to be one of those filmmakers with tons of ideas, but no feature credits, I highly suggest you focus less on finding someone to do the heavy lifting and instead, focus on testing the market to gain a realistic approach to your projects.
After exploring all the wonderful filmmaking information here at Filmmaking Stuff, you may benefit from putting some other blogs on your reading list. So to that end, I’d like to point out a few of my filmmaking favorites:
In an effort to create useful iPhone apps for filmmakers, is being launched today. The site will help take filmmaking out of Hollywood, and put it into the hands of filmmakers, literally
A recent article entitled, “Should We Accept That Indie Film Is Now A Hobby Culture?” caught my attention. I thought it was worth sharing.
You’ll see my comments under the article. Please feel free to add your own.
As a filmmaker, having the correct tools really helps improve your moviemaking. I created a short eBook full of pocketsized filmmaking tips and tricks. If you would like a copy, just click the picture below. There is no opt-in requirement necessary.
“If you want to make a living making movies, you need to realize that your library and the subsequent audience you source (over your career) are your major assets. And, as a result, your most important filmmaking focus (aside from doing good work) is to acquire and keep a customer,” he emphasizes.
Now with a few weeks into the new year, many would-be filmmakers who promised themselves they would be more – many have already made excuses as to why this year won’t be the year of the feature.
For every project that I made, countless other projects have not been made. If you’ve never had a project fall apart, then you do not know heartache. And learning how to overcome heartache, and still push forward, is a key success strategy to learn for both filmmaking and your life.
To survive and thrive as a filmmaker, you need this type of energy. If you hate the thought of your project, then chances are, it’s the incorrect project for you.
I started Filmmaking Stuff because I wanted to help filmmakers make movies and also, create a self sustaining movie business. In other words, if you have the passion to make movies, then you owe it to yourself to get moving! The following filmmaking video provides you with a brief overview of the Modern MovieMaking Method. I also show you how to grab over $100 dollars in filmmaking tools, free.