Three Major Film Industry Insights (I Wish I Knew Back Then)

Just over a decade ago I packed my car and drove across the country to forge a career in film industry. Since that time, I have met countless people on a similar path and have learned a few lessons along the way. Over the years, I've noticed three film industry insights I would like to share with you.

film industry

Film Industry Insights (I Wish I Knew Back Then)

1. Nobody is going to produce your film (unless you do it first). Just about everybody in Los Angeles says they have a movie script. These people also say, “I don't know if I'm going to produce this thing or just sell it.” This is simply silly talk.

The reality is, BOTH routes are equally challenging. And most people end up wasting years waiting for someone else to produce their stuff. Stop it! Grab a camera and make something. Seriously. Don't you dare wait for a producer!

2. Your movie idea is great. Not all movie ideas are great. But everybody has one, including my doctor, dentist and Lyft driver. The problem is, most of these people won't take the time to get their ideas on paper. The thing is, everybody in the film industry has a movie idea. But ideas are just that – ideas.

It is the execution of your idea that matters. So if you find yourself trying to sell an “idea” you are wasting time. Write something. Or get someone else to write something. Then re-read film industry insight #1 above (and take action!)

3. Movie distribution is the barrier to entry. This one goes out to the veteran filmmakers in our community. Those of you who have actually taken action and made your movie. Firstly, pat yourself on the back. At least you're not stuck lingering in film industry insight #1 or #2.

But you probably discovered something you wish you would have known then – Without a clear plan for film distribution, your success is limited. Some good news? Things have gotten better. Resources like my film distribution system can help you access the marketplace. Why is this important?

Because if you can figure out your plan for marketing, sales and distribution, you can work backwards and have an clear strategy for overcoming film industry insight #1 and #2 (like most people). This means you can finally stop waiting for someone else to give you permission to make your movie business. And if you like this filmmaking stuff, you'll love the Filmmaking Stuff HQ Membership.

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And Take Your Ideas From Script To Screen
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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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