The Great Film Funding Hoax: Why Investors Don’t Care (And What To Do)

Are you looking to find film funding? You're not alone. One of the most challenging aspects of the process is getting prospective investors to take you seriously. The reason you're having trouble finding film funding, is because the risk of funding your film far outweighs the reward. You need to change that.

There are a lot of filmmakers who attempt to raise money without first considering how their movie will recoup the investment. These filmmakers say things like “I have a vision” or “I'm going to make this for the love of filmmaking. Then I'll get into festivals, get noticed and garner a great distribution deal!”

film funding

How To Get Film Funding: Why Investors Don't Care

While passion, tenacity and optimism are important, this alone is not enough. Gone are the days where you simply make a movie and hand it off to the highest bidder. These days, you are expected to create a marketing, sales and distribution plan for your film from day one. Without it, your project becomes too risky. And investors don't care about risky investments!


Discover The FIVE Essential Film Funding Tactics 

...Without Begging For Money!

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The good news is, you no longer need a distributor to get film distribution. Through companies like Amazon you now have the ability to get your film into popular marketplaces without a distributor. This allows you to create a business plan and marketing strategy with a fully accessible sales channel. This is huge!

The second thing you can do is test your concept through crowdfunding. Instead of trying to raise your whole budget, you would only focus on getting a small amount of money. This will help you determine if your movie has a market, before you dive into your project both feet first. If your micro crowdfunding campaign is success, you can leverage this with a comprehensive film distribution plan.

Getting film funding is all about lowering the risks and increasing the probability for reward. And if you'd like to start planning your own strategy, Film Business Plan.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

If you'd like more tactics like the article you just read, make sure to grab a copy of the filmmaker checklist. You'll get 65 useful steps you can employ to produce your next feature film.