The Shocking Truth About VOD Sales Projections

vod sales projections

Because distribution was once discriminatory, many first time independent feature filmmakers had to hold their breath in hopes their movies would get into a film festival, buil buzz, and (hopefully) garner a great distribution deal, complete with a cash advance. But that is an outdated model.

Three Ways To Cut Your Movie Budget (And Increase Production Value)

cut your budget

Coming up with an accurate film budget can be a sobering experience. You either find out that you need to raise more money or cut your budget entirely. And if you’re anything like most independent filmmakers, both options suck. But don’t worry. This article offers three ways to cut your movie budget (and increase production value).

The Great Film Funding Hoax: Why Investors Don’t Care (And What To Do)

film funding

One of the toughest parts of getting business minded prospective investors to take you seriously is distribution. Like it or not, your film distribution strategy has a ripple effect on all other aspects of your movie production, including film finance…

What Carole Lee Dean Can Teach Us About Producing


If you were making movies 20 years ago it would cost you 10 times more to make a film. So ask yourself, “why was I given so much talent and born during the third most important time in the history of mankind.” Here you are with a great opportunity and all that talent. Do you really believe the universe would put you here at this time and not finance you? Of course not.