How To Make Money On YouTube

make money on YouTube

Making money with short films can be a pain in the butt. This was especially difficult when I started my filmmaking career. The reason? Back then, the market for short films was limited. In fact, most short films went to festivals and later faded away in quiet obscurity. But thanks to YouTube…

Is Traditional Movie Distribution Dead?

movie distribution

While creating creating community around your title, building buzz and increasing your fan base is both challenging and fun, a lot of filmmakers have no idea how to get started. In this regard, one of your first steps is to determine if your movie is ready for the marketplace

How To Optimize Your Movie Website For Sales


If you’re like most filmmakers, you have a website for your movie. And odds are good you are trying to fit too much into it. So the first thing you need to do is remove all the distracting crap. Whenever I mention this at a talk, invariably someone asks me how to determine what’s distracting? It depends on your website objective.