7 Lies Film Distributors Like to Tell Filmmakers
In this filmmaking article, distribution executive Jason Brubaker shares 7 lies distributors like to tell filmmakers.
Film distribution is constantly changing. You now have many options for selling your film. The following articles are written by experts with years of experience navigating domestic and international distribution. You’ll find out how to contact sales agents and distributors, negotiate deals, and get your film on platforms like Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, FandangoNOW, Netflix, Tubi, and more.
In this filmmaking article, distribution executive Jason Brubaker shares 7 lies distributors like to tell filmmakers.
For those of you who are adding your own thoughts to the Modern Moviemaking Manifesto, what I’m proposing is easier said than done. It is easy for me to talk about the success of our first feature. It is much more difficult to admit that our second feature bombed miserably.
Take a look at your trailer. Is your trailer congruent with your hook and the marketing elements we covered earlier? If not, I suggest you recut and refine your trailer to make sure your marketing message is consistent. In doing this you will have to find the balance between showing enough to sell your movie and giving away so much that you spoil the story. And since your movie trailer will be posted on various websites, you should also add a title card with a link to your movie website.
One of our Filmmaking Stuff readers asked: “Can you make money with digital distribution?” “As a filmmaker, I would like to make a …
Seeking film distribution? Understanding VOD Release Windows could improve your chances of having a successful film distribution experience.
In this article, indie filmmaker Jason Brubaker explains the importance of audience list building and email marketing for movies.
How do I get my movie on iTunes? That is the question. And in this film distribution article, you’ll get solid tactics on how to get your movie in iTunes
By now you’ve heard of crowdfunding. But the little secret that nobody is talking about is this – Not all movie projects will get fully funded by the crowd. BUT. . .
Most of us love making films but hate the business side. This is a major reason why filmmakers are notorious for ignoring distribution.
If you’re looking for film distribution article, LA Producer Jason Brubaker shares new rules for how to sell your movie.
How will you compete with small filmmakers all over the globe for the same eyeballs? Gone are the days when upfront cash advances paid off your budget. What will you…
As a filmmaker, getting feedback for your movie is essential. In this article, Jason Brubaker provides some tips on how to get the most bang out of your screening party.
To get your film into popular platforms like iTunes, FandangoNow, Google Play, Netflix, and more, your video, audio and artwork will need to undergo …
You’re not alone if you’re looking for ways to get your film noticed. It’s been a long time since the days of Ed …
The whole world of movie distribution is changing. This is important because the success of you movie depends on distribution. Given the deterioration of DVD sales channels, to become successful as a filmmaker, YOU are now responsible for sourcing, engaging and selling your movie to your intended target audience.
Film markets are helpful industry events where filmmakers connect with industry heavy-hitters. Connections are made, and deals are secured, while most in attendance …
OK. So you made a movie. Great. And so what if traditional distributors rejected you. Lets talk about how you’re going to market your movie, so you have the chance at recouping a little investment.
The easiest way to recognize and distinguish a brand is by its logo. In the film industry production logos are usually seen at the beginning of films, on posters, websites and other materials that market the movie. Some of logos have become very famous over the years and they still have the potential to attract the audience…
There is lots of talk in the filmmaking community about how to build your audience. In this filmmaking article we ask if email is better than social media.
While modern distribution technology provides access to mainstream marketplaces, this shift represents new challenges. Find out how to sell your movie.
The first step in selling your movie (or movie idea) is to find your movie hook. This filmmaking article shows you how to sharpen your movie hook so you can make your movie remarkable.
As a filmmaker, your audience is your business. Without an audience, you have no business. Leverage social media to build an audience.
If you want your movie to succeed, you need to start building your online movie marketing machine today, not later. Read this film distribution article.
With the demise of traditional DVD distribution, you as a filmmaker are responsible for your audience. Why? Because your audience is your business – and without an audience you will have no movie business. Having an audience database for your movie is essential…
Picture this. Your movie is in the festivals. People like it. You’re getting tons of buzz. And for the past three days, you …
Looking to get film distribution? In this filmmaking article, we discuss digital self distribution and how to sell your movie online.
In this filmmaking article, LA Producer Jason Brubaker explains why most filmmakers wait seven months before selling their movies and why you shouldn’t.
The demise of DVD distribution, coupled with inexpensive production technology, has flooded the market with cheaply produced, accessible movies. For most filmmakers, basing …
Got a movie? Are you looking to create a self distribution film campaign so you can start selling? Then this film distribution article is for you.
If you are looking to market your movie inexpensively, you need to Grow Your Email List. Here are some tactics.