Distribution Film

If you are looking for distribution for your film – STOP IT!

OK. I'm kidding.

You don't have to stop looking for a dream deal.

But you also don't have to sit around waiting for the phone to ring. That's outdated film distribution behavior and it's lazy.

What are you waiting for?

Maybe you are afraid to start selling your movie on iTunes and Amazon and Hulu because this will somehow deter traditional distributors turned aggregators from acquiring your movie… So that they can get your movie onto Amazon, iTunes and Hulu? Please explain this to me.

I created a product to help you. It's called the Indie Producer's Guide To Digital Self Distribution. It provides you with a very robust strategy for getting your movie seen and selling.

Anyway, if you're sick of waiting around and you're ready to start selling your movie, grab a copy of The Indie Producer's Guide To Digital Self-Distribution. You'll be happy you did.


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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

If you'd like more tactics like the article you just read, make sure to grab a copy of the filmmaker checklist. You'll get 65 useful steps you can employ to produce your next feature film.