Three Tips For Digital VOD Distribution

In my experience, most filmmakers are concerned with making a great film. And that's fantastic. The problem is, that's ALL they're concerned about. And that's a problem.

Think of making a film in two major sections. One section is the execution of the movie. The next section is the marketing and distribution of the movie. In simpler terms, “getting it out there.”

That second section is what most filmmakers overlook.

You're a serious independent filmmaker.

You will stop at nothing until your vision is realized and you movie is made. So why would you go the distance without creating any sort of plan for reaching your audience?

“I just want to focus on making movies and let someone else market them.”

While I encourage you to focus on becoming the next filmmaking success, crossing your fingers for an audience to magically appear doesn't work in Digital VOD Distribution.

Out of the thousands of films produced each year, most will not garner theatrical distribution. (and especially during this current pandemic situation… there are no theaters!)

So I suggest you take a pragmatic approach to your movie making business.

I'm suggesting you start thinking like a digital marketer. And the first step towards becoming a marketing success is making sure you know your audience.

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It doesn't matter if you end up landing a distribution deal (which I hope is the case for you!), you're still going to want to take these steps. In fact, sales agents and distributors LOVE when the filmmakers have their audience set. This may actually help you close a better deal with the distributor!

Digital VOD Distribution

Three Tips For Digital VOD Distribution

While digital VOD distribution is an exciting frontier, your desired target audience is scattered all over the internet. Reaching people interested in your work is your biggest challenge. How will you do this?

Before you make your movie, answer the following questions:

1. Why should someone care about your movie? – If you can't tell me why I should watch your movie, you can rest assured I won't. Time is more valuable than money. Once spent, it never gets replenished.

2. Who is your intended target audience? – Most filmmakers never give any thought to this question. Or if they do, they say “everybody.” Because everybody is nobody, that is very unrealistic. Niches make riches!

3. How much does your marketing cost? – There are two ways to build an audience. You can spend a lot of time building your audience, or you can spend a lot of money building your audience. The choice is both. But you better plan accordingly.

Check out this video on film distribution:

This should go without saying – but I spend a lot of time looking for great movies. And the truth is, most movies are very poorly done, with no star talent or marketable hook. So please make a good movie.

But the last thing I'll say is this. I've seen GREAT moves poorly marketed, and they went nowhere. On the flip side, I've seen mediocre movies have great marketing hooks. The result: money and success.

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Tom Malloy is a film producer, actor, and writer. Over the course of his career, he has raised over twenty-five million dollars to produce, and distribute multiple feature films. If you're ready to "level up" your film producing, make sure to check out Movie Plan Pro. The video training and downloadable film business plan template will provide you with the same tools Malloy uses when approaching prospective film investors.