Crowdfunding Total Frat Movie

Anyone that’s ever worked on a film knows that money is always tight and can only be stretched so far. That’s one of the reasons that so many people are turning to crowdfunding to help supplement the budgets of their films. In the last year, well-established filmmakers like David Fincher, Charlie Kaufman and Paul Schrader have all used crowdfunding to help fund projects.

After the producers of “Total Frat Movie” secured a minimum budget for the film, they decided to reach out to the site’s devoted fan base for support. “We knew we needed to raise the money independently to ensure that the site’s true voice was not compromised,” producer Brian K. Ross said.

Crowdfunding Total Frat Movie was launched in 2010 by fraternity brothers Madison Wickham and Ryan Young. Over the next two-plus years the site exploded on college campuses across the country. Recently the site released its first book, “Total Frat Move” and it quickly appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list. The producers see the movie as the natural next step in the evolution of the brand.

“Total Frat Movie” is offering a series of unique rewards to people for supporting the film. Those incentives include naming a character in the film, having your picture appear in the film’s closing credits, the opportunity to audition for the film, and “Total Frat Movie” merchandise.


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The producers made a spoof of the Argo trailer to help spread the word about the campaign.


The producers have raised a budget to film “Total Frat Movie” for approximately 18 days. They estimate each shoot day for the film will cost around $100,000 and they are hoping to add at least three days to their shoot schedule with the campaign. “Ideally we’d like to film for 25-30 days and we are turning to the site’s fans, students, and Greek alums across the country to make that happen,” Ross said.

For more information on the project go to –

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