Find Out How To Choose The Best Film Project

If you’re considering a dozen ideas for your next film project, there are plenty of reasons why you need to choose one and get started. After all, if you never figure out your next project, you’ll never finish it. So being able to take decisive action so you can choose the best film project is your first objective.

Don't get me wrong. I know it is easy to kick around ideas for projects endlessly, never taking action. We’ve all done it from time to time, but the fact remains that at some point you just need to pick ONE project, set up deadlines and get started.

film project

How To Choose The Best Film Project

So how do you choose the best film project out of hundreds or thousands of awesome ideas? For starters, stop looking for perfect. And instead, choose an idea based on your current resources and goals. It's okay to challenge yourself, but if your great idea requires a gazillion dollars and an army of stunt professions and creators, you may want to take a moment to think.

Your idea should like something you can actually get done (without compromising safety) with the time, effort and money that you have right now. Here are a few tips that can help you decide:

  • Which idea is provides the most clarity? Can you clearly visualize the entire story? Do you know how you're going to frame each shot? If so, you’re moving closer towards the best film project. 
  • Which idea will keep you interested? You’re going to face dozens of challenges, and it’s easy to get discouraged. You have to choose a project you love and that you’ll complete no matter what challenges you face. 
  • What are your resources? Odds are you don’t have the funds or the ability to create a sweeping historical epic or a space opera. But do you have an idea that uses resources you already have? This can help make it easier to create your film.
  • What about finances? If you push yourself beyond your current resources, how much will your film project cost? What are are the odds of finding backers? Certain movies are simply more attractive to backers and as such, easier to get made.

Finding the best film project begins with taking an honest assessment of your current resources and then catering the project to fit. And if you like this stuff, you'll love Filmmaking Stuff HQ.

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

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