Debunking The Myth Of The Social Media Guru
Before you hire a social media guru to run your crowdfunding campaign, you may want to read this article about the myth of the social media guru.
Before you hire a social media guru to run your crowdfunding campaign, you may want to read this article about the myth of the social media guru.
I completed a zombie feature film Project: Eugenics for only $5000. That’s right. It is an eighty-minute zombie feature film with various location …
To get your film into popular platforms like iTunes, FandangoNow, Google Play, Netflix, and more, your video, audio and artwork will need to undergo …
For those of you planning to crank out some movies, I recommend you start small. Find a few collaborators and assign jobs based on interest. Then grab a camera and complete some micro projects such as music videos, short films and funny sketches for YouTube.
You’re not alone if you’re looking for ways to get your film noticed. It’s been a long time since the days of Ed …
If you want to get ahead in the crazy industry of movies, you would be best to follow the following 5 tips for movie industry success:
For horror and sci fi, creating the element of suspense and danger, you should create a large amount of shadows. Creating silhouettes with the characters is another option. Create a sense of mystery with your lighting…
One thing I have observed is that every filmmaker (and photographer) understands lighting is an essential part of their work, but many indie …
Once you finish your masterpiece script, the question of “what’s next?” invades your life. Whether you want to raise the money to make …
A New York Times article stated that the producers of the Lincoln film are faithful to history—except for the part about vampires. The premise is that vampires killed Abe’s grandfather and mother so he vows to kill all the evil beings. And he wears a really cool long coat in which he can hide vampire-slayer weapons.
When making a documentary, when and how you contact people for an interview depends on the person, their interest in your project, your …
The whole world of movie distribution is changing. This is important because the success of you movie depends on distribution. Given the deterioration of DVD sales channels, to become successful as a filmmaker, YOU are now responsible for sourcing, engaging and selling your movie to your intended target audience.
If you find yourself faced with filmmaking self doubt, you’re not alone. The important part is that you at least get a picture of what you want that is very specific. Then you should take time to work backwards. And who knows, maybe a decade from now we will be working on movie projects together.
Your filmmaking “Audience List” is your most important asset. And let me give you 5 reasons ALL filmmakers should start building their audience list (based on our mistakes) today!
When writing a screenplay, there are lots of questions you can ask about your characters to get to know them better. Read this Filmmaking Stuff guest article from screenwriter Jurgen Wolff.
When trying to promote a movie that folks have otherwise not heard of, all ink is potentially good ink. If you’re producing your movie …
Regarding buying camera lenses, some are better for photography, and some are better for cinema. You are choosing a particular lens, an aesthetic …
Film markets are helpful industry events where filmmakers connect with industry heavy-hitters. Connections are made, and deals are secured, while most in attendance …
Planning your first feature can at times seem overwhelming. In this guest filmmaking article, filmmaker provides some useful tactics.
One of the toughest parts of getting business minded prospective investors to take you seriously is distribution. Like it or not, your film distribution strategy has a ripple effect on all other aspects of your movie production, including film finance…
OK. So you made a movie. Great. And so what if traditional distributors rejected you. Lets talk about how you’re going to market your movie, so you have the chance at recouping a little investment.
If you want become a filmmaker, desire and ambition is not enough. Your ability to get a movie made, seen and sold relies …
The easiest way to recognize and distinguish a brand is by its logo. In the film industry production logos are usually seen at the beginning of films, on posters, websites and other materials that market the movie. Some of logos have become very famous over the years and they still have the potential to attract the audience…
If you’re wondering how to make it Hollywood, you are not alone. In this filmmaking article, we share practical tips on how to make it in Hollywood.
In this article, we explore mobile filmmaking and how you can make short films on your smart device. Read this article to learn more.
There is lots of talk in the filmmaking community about how to build your audience. In this filmmaking article we ask if email is better than social media.
If you ever feel stuck in filmmaking, this article for you. You will discover simple life hacks so you can achieve your filmmaking goals fast!
I recently upgraded my camera to the Sony A7S II. And if you are like me, the last thing you want to do …
If getting a name attached to your movie is difficult, you’ll need to emphasize your hook. And if you’re lucky, your hook will be memorable. Do you have any controversy in your story?
“Where is the murder?” Complicated emotions arise when you hear one of the most infamously polarizing directors of a generation is making a big budget horror …