The Minimalist Guide to Internet Marketing For Filmmakers

internet marketing for filmmakers

By now you’ve heard of crowdfunding. But the little secret that nobody is talking about is this – Not all movie projects will get fully funded by the crowd. BUT. . .

Warning: Lazy People In Hollywood Can Hurt Your Career

lazy people in Hollywood

The other night a friend of a friend of a friend kept telling me how upset he was that someone stole his movie idea. The story had something to do with space and time travel and a villain… I don’t remember. I asked him if he actually wrote a script, or if it was just an idea. He told me it was just an idea. Said he thinks someone overheard him at the local coffee shop.

How To Make Indie Filmmaking Your Small Business

Indie Filmmaking

Part of why filmmaking seems challenging and impossible is because many of us start our career with the belief that filmmakers need a gazillion dollars, tons of experience and an address in Hollywood to make a living as a “real” filmmaker. While this was once true, the new model of movie making allows you to create and sell movies from anywhere in the world.

The First Time I Got Fired (In The Movie Biz)

i got fired

And although everyone was happy to teach me the inner workings of production, off set, it was my responsibility to scrub toilets and mop the floors. I didn’t mind the crap work. In fact, scrubbing toilets taught me a valuable lesson. I realized if I can keep my dreams bigger than the crap, I can get through pretty much anything. I had no choice but to become the most successful janitor this company ever had. And I never complained. Someone had to do it, and at the very least, I ate lunch with a group of talented film and video professionals.

Screenwriting Help: How To Keep Your Script Out Of The Trash

screenwriting help

Are you looking for your next Four-Quadrant natural disaster, Sci-Fi movie? I have an idea that will blow you away. It’s about the end of the universe and involves spaceships and aliens and zombies and disease and it includes a love story. Please email me back today because this is going to make BILLIONS! And I can only wait a few minutes for your response before I pitch this to someone else.

Use This Secret Filmmaking Strategy So You Can Get Your Film Made

get your film made

Have you ever known a filmmaker who sent their demo reel into the Hollywood abyss? Maybe they sent it to an agency or a production company in hopes someone would discover their talent and hire them. Similarly, many screenwriters and aspiring actors have been known to employ this strategy too.

Modern Moviemaking Manifesto (For Smart Filmmakers)

modern moviemaking manifesto

Without a defined market or an established sales channel, it is difficult to justify financing, which makes it very difficult to pay cast and crew – which, by the way, makes it difficult to produce a movie.

The Shocking Truth About VOD Sales Projections

vod sales projections

Because distribution was once discriminatory, many first time independent feature filmmakers had to hold their breath in hopes their movies would get into a film festival, buil buzz, and (hopefully) garner a great distribution deal, complete with a cash advance. But that is an outdated model.

The Most Important Filmmaking Skill

filmmaking skill

As a filmmaker, you probably spend most of your time watching movies, discussing movies and thinking of ideas for your next movie. If you’re new to filmmaking, you probably dream of Hollywood fame. And if you’re a veteran filmmaker, you probably dream of making enough movie money to pay your mortgage. But regardless of how you define success in your own filmmaking life, I can tell you there is one trait that is essential…

Three Ways To Cut Your Movie Budget (And Increase Production Value)

cut your budget

Coming up with an accurate film budget can be a sobering experience. You either find out that you need to raise more money or cut your budget entirely. And if you’re anything like most independent filmmakers, both options suck. But don’t worry. This article offers three ways to cut your movie budget (and increase production value).

The New Model of Filmmaking (For Serious Filmmakers)

new model of filmmaking

What we are experiencing is the film industry equivalent of sweat shop labor flooding the market with cheaply produced product. And as a result of these diminished margins, filmmakers must now think in terms of volume. So instead of putting 100% focus on simply making one movie, the model must now involve planning for, and creating a library for a minimal budget.