Filmmaking Stuff News For 2011 Early

Since publishing the modern moviemaking manifesto, some of you have written, requesting an online community where you can share ideas with other filmmakers involved in our movement. So I have taken the initial steps to creating the modern moviemaking community. If you want to be among the first to know about it (because it’s exclusive), make sure you get on the list.

Screenwriters have to make their own luck!

For filmmakers and screenwriters alike, one of the great things about Jurgen is his ability to make things happen. As you will read in this week’s Filmmaking Stuff guest article – When Jurgen was starting out, he quickly learned to stop asking permission and as a result, he carved his screenwriting career.

Film Production Crew Takes Action

Over the weekend, I met with some key members of my film production crew, including my writer friend. He, myself and a core group of filmmaking friends are working a rough idea into a fine-tuned movie, complete with a marketable hook and an established, niche target audience. (If you’re just tuning into filmmaking stuff, you’ll quickly learn that starting with a defined target market in one strategy I use to hedge my eventual need for return on investment – more on this in the distribution and finance articles found at Filmmaking Stuff.)

Free Filmmaking Tools

Since starting Filmmaking Stuff, this site has grown to attract thousands of filmmakers, globally. And for me, the growing popularity of this filmmaking website is equal parts exciting and humbling. As a result, I feel I have an increased obligation to make your visit more meaningful. And to that degree, I have decided to provide you with well over $100 dollars worth of filmmaking products, for FREE.

Free Filmmaking Book

The world of filmmaking is changing. I believe we are in one of the biggest paradigm shifts in this industry, ever. In short, production is less expensive than ever, and distribution options are wide open. To help you navigate this ever changing brave new world of filmmaking, I am giving away downloadable copies of my free filmmaking book.

Self Distribution and MovieMaker’s Future of Movie Making 2010

Movie Maker Magazine The Future of Movie Making 2010

In the issue, you’ll get a whole bunch of useful movie making information, including the 25 Must-Have Movie Making Apps, information on HDSLR camera as well as a great interview with Roger Corman. Los Angeles based producer Jason Brubaker provides solutions for self distribution.

Movie Website Marketing For Filmmakers

When your in the filmmaking process, getting a website up and running is one of those things that filmmakers oftentimes forget. Please don’t. Given the ways in which distribution is changing, having a great website for your movie is probably one of the most important aspects of your eventual movie marketing campaign.

Filmmaking through Toxic Soup

A few years back, while flying aboard a loud propeller driven airplane somewhere over the snow capped mountains of Colorado, I heard the …

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YouTube Rentals?

YouTube Rentals?

With YouTube Rentals, you will be able to upload your movie and expand your reach via the world’s largest online video community. This amazing VOD outlet will provide filmmakers with an awesomely cool new way to generate revenue – on one of the most popular video streaming sites in existence.

Filmmaking Techniques

The following video, aptly described as “Filmmaking Techniques” is a totally genius way of demonstrating a variety of camera techniques. It comes from a high school student at Darwin High School. It is about three years old – and I only hope this student has gone on to bigger and better filmmaking projects.

How to Take Charge of Your Film Scheduling

film scheduling

For those of you considering producing your first feature, Film Scheduling is an invaluable part of the process. Your 1st AD is in charge of taking your screenplay, breaking it down and providing the initial schedule. That information is later used to budget your movie.

New Screenwriting System

Based on my decade making movies (and prior to that, reading and writing coverage for a producer in New York City) – I have created a product that will provide you with a step-by-step, fill in the blank approach to writing a movie script.

Interview with Norman Berns

Norman C. Berns is an Emmy-winning producer and director. Beginning as a stage director, the full scope of his production work includes features and documentaries, TV series and commercials. As a member of DGA, SAG and Actors Equity, Norman has been creating films and preparing budgets, schedules and business plans his long career. Today Norman stopped by Filmmaking Stuff to share his thoughts on filmmaking…

Filmmaking Goals for 2010

As a filmmaker, I assume your primary goal is to make movies. But as you know, making a movie requires many steps. So to plan your next movie as well as some of other big whoppers you wish to accomplish, I suggest breaking your goals into smaller and smaller chunks… And then finally break them into small enough chunks so you can include them in your list of daily tasks.

Richard Abramowitz Talks About Independent Movie Distribution

Movie Distribution Action Guide

Richard Abramowitz is president of Abramorama, a consulting firm specializing in the production, marketing, distribution and representation of independent films. Earlier this week, Richard took a few minutes to chat with Filmmaking Stuff and answer questions regarding the current state of independent movie distribution…

Kevin Smith Talks About Selling Out

This is a very informative interview with Kevin Smith. I always think Kevin is interesting based on where he came from and where he’s at now. For many filmmakers, he’s an inspiration. He talks about the merge between the “indie look” and the studio system.

Make a Movie Poster

While making a movie poster is essential for certain aspects of independent film funding, as new and exciting options for independent movie distribution become available, the need to print a physical poster may become secondary to building your online film marketing presence. In today’s filmmaking article, we discuss some reasons why a poster is a good place to start…

Radio Interview – Indie Filmmakers Talk

In the essence of “Write it, Shoot it, Work it,” Jason Brubaker of Filmmaking Stuff chatted for about an hour or so on the mindset of an Independent Filmmaker… We focused on filmmaking in the New Digital Era as well as helping Filmmakers get their projects to the world. I shared the airwaves with Terence Dudley of Queinten Entertainment and Stanley Lozowski, Producer.