Screenwriting: Why Kim Cattrall got mad at me

If you’re writing a script to be read by someone who is possibly going to buy it, you want to make it as easy and entertaining as possible. Yes, it’s easy to overdo the parentheticals, ideally your dialogue itself suggests how it will be delivered. But when it helps, go ahead. A sarcastic remark from an actress is not too high a price to pay.

Film Festival Workshop

Over the next year, I am hitting the road. I’m going from city to city to spread the word about modern movie distribution tactics and how YOU can benefit. I am doing this because the independent movie market is saturated with competition. Do you know of any film festivals seeking someone to put on a film festival workshop? If so, please send them a link to this page.

My Film School Talk On Making a Movie

I spoke at the UCLA film school and I got the impression that the next generation of filmmakers are open to new ideas, and new ways of making movies. Thanks to familiarity with YouTube as well as access to affordable production equipment, many modern filmmakers are embracing accessible, non-discriminatory distribution channels without hesitation or excuses.

Are screenplay contests worth entering?

I’m pretty skeptical about script contests as a way to further your career. There are success stories but I think they’re the exception. So I was interested to read the view of Chad Gervich on the Script website. He says that winning a script rarely gives you the edge

Keven Smith talks Movie Distribution

I love Kevin Smith’s attitude towards modern movie distribution. If you’re like most independent filmmakers, what Kevin was able to accomplish from his days of Clerks has been amazing. Back then, he not only dreamed the Sundance Dream, but he realized the dream as well.

Filmmaking eZine and Free Tools

I get excited about Video On Demand and the various popular internet marketplaces like iTunes and Amazon, is because movie distribution is no longer discriminatory. This means that you can actually control your own business and marketing plan.

Screenwriting: what experience do you want the audience to have?

If you haven’t thought about it already, consider what experience you want people to have. One way to focus on this is to write the review quotes you’d like to see when your film has been released–“A thrill ride that keeps you on the edge of your seat,” or “A hilarious look at parenthood that also makes you think,” for instance. Then, as you write or rewrite, make sure you deserve those quotes.

Sell Your Movie Without The Middle Man Video

With an independent movie market saturated with competition, producing a movie and finding a traditional distribution deal is increasingly challenging. After failing to garner a traditional distribution deal for my first feature, like a lot of filmmakers, I had to establish my own marketing company. And through the process, I figured out how to market and sell my movie online.

Film Shot On Cannon 7D

One benefit of shooting with the Canon 7D was at a train station. Normally shooting this scene with another camera, it would catch a lot of attention and we probably would have been run off by security immediately. Knowing that there was no dialogue during this scene, I was able to shoot bare bones with the 7D and probably from a far, it looked like we were just taking pictures. No security ever questioned us and we filmed that entire sequence in under 40 minutes.

Filmmaking Seminar Los Angeles

For Los Angeles based fimmakers looking to take their show to business, I recommend checking out the next Norman Berns workshop. In this full-day, hands-on instruction, you will gain experience on scheduling, budgeting, business plans, ptiching, fundraising and distribution.

The Secret Society Of Modern Indie Filmmakers

As a result of lower priced production equipment, coupled with non-discriminatory distribution, YOU can make, market and sell your movie this year and you don’t need to ask permission.

Crowdfunding To Source An Audience for Your Filmmaking

Your filmmaking crowdfunding campaign will allow you to raise money – but as an important ancillary benefit, your campaign will also allow you test your movie concept with a built in, responsive focus group. Assuming you reach your funding goal, you will not only generate your initial buzz…

Indie PMD With Jon Reiss and Sheri Candler

Indie PMD

Jon Reiss and Sheri Candler stopped by Filmmaking Stuff a few months back to discuss the new role of the PMD. For those of you who aren’t aware of the term – PMD stands for producer of marketing and distribution. It’s a phrase Jon Reiss coined in his filmmaking book called Think Outside the Box Office.

Movie Distribution: 7 Ways To Sell Your Movie Without The Middle Man

If you’re a filmmaker with a movie… Before you accept some crappy distribution deal from a traditional movie distribution company – you might benefit form the following audio download. In this audio, I provide steps you can utilize to sell your movie without the middle-man.

Screenwriting MAD Event

You commit to working on some writing (or other) project that is important to you for up to 8 hours, with short breaks every hour. You plan it so you know what you’ll be doing (for instance, nobody will actually write for 8 hours, but it could be a combination: some research, some writing, some getting organized, etc.) You don’t have to participate for the full 8 hours–even four or six hours of focused effort will give you a big boost.

Does Streaming Movies On Your Own Website Make Sense?

streaming movies

A lot of filmmakers (who do not have website traffic) are being fed the idea that “content enablers” will magically source an audience. When I wrote the post about website streaming, I did so more in response to the never-ending slew of emails I get from various PR firms trying to push the next streaming gizmo for indie filmmakers – none of which solves the blatant problem of actually getting enough people to watch the movie…

Independent Film Distributor Report Card

We’ve all heard many horror stories from filmmakers who were thrilled to find a distributor for their film only to find the film was mishandled, shelved or the company went under with no recourse for the filmmaker to claim their rights back. There are also distributors so coveted for their professionalism and skill at finding the right audiences for their titles that everyone wants to work with them.

Movie Sales Agent Screw Up

Before I go further, I want you to know that there are GOOD sales agents. And there are GOOD traditional distributors. But before you go into business with any middle-man, my advice for all filmmakers is to ALWAYS conduct your due diligence. And if later, you find yourself working with someone who supposedly makes a deal with a TV network – but forgets to get a contract signed (please note: we think this is very fishy), then at the very least – you should never work with that guy again.

Filmmaking Dilemma To Stream or Not To Stream

Since starting filmmaking stuff, I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of spammy hype emails promoting new filmmaking technologies that allow filmmakers to stream their independent movies. While many of these companies have a cool concept, the truth is, I think many of these streaming solutions are a waste of time.

Modern Moviemaking Explained

I believe video on demand distribution represents freedom for filmmakers. While there are many great sales agents and distributors, I am totally bothered by the sales agents and middle-men who have taken a bottom-feeding approach to VOD. These jerks make a living trying to sucker unsuspecting filmmakers into long term video on demand deals that suck. I put together the following video to express my disgust and also provide a new hope. As a modern moviemaker, there has never been a better time to make, market and sell your movies without the middle-man.