How to apply “show, don’t tell” in screenplays

I have a fairly large collection of “pitching sessions from hell” stories, but there was one that stands out because I blew it—afterward. This was early in my career, and actually the pitching session itself went great. The executive loved the idea and commissioned a script for a TV movie. How to apply “show, don’t tell” in screenplays…

Write Screenplays From The Heart

I see that there’s a one day workshop being offered with the pitch, “Who better to teach you to understand characters than EXPERT BEHAVIOR ANALYSTS?” It’s not my intention to diss the people offering the workshop (which I also why I’m not going to name them)—they are both screenwriters as well as Expert Behavior Analysts and sound like a couple of smart guys with credible credits.

Name My Filmmaking Book Contest

I have been writing a filmmaking book. It outlines the whole modern moviemaking philosophy – and originally I thought I would stay with the modern moviemaking theme, and possibly call it “Confessions of a Modern Moviemaker.” While I like the idea because, historically books that begin with the word “confessions” seem to intrigue readers… I also fear the title might be a little too gimmicky. I need your help…

New Filmmaking Book Almost Here

The Modern Moviemaking Movement was authored by nine of the most prominent filmmaker thought leaders in the world, including Jon Reiss of the famed book Think Outside The Box Office… And this action guide aims to help you navigate a filmmaking world driven by HDSLR technology and non-discriminatory distribution.

Final Cut Pro X

I haven’t tested Final Cut Pro X, but from what I hear – I do not want to. As usual, I think our friends at Apple have made early adopters beta testers for a product with a whole bunch of bugs…

Filmmakers Alliance Recap

If you have seen me speak, you probably noticed that I use a lot of self-deprecating humor in my talks. For example, I usually talk about how bad my acting is, or how bad my movies are…