Why I Hate The Words “Self Distribution” In A Video On Demand World
If you’ve been reading filmmaking stuff for any length of time, you know how much I avoid the words “self-distribution.” The reason I …
If you’ve been reading filmmaking stuff for any length of time, you know how much I avoid the words “self-distribution.” The reason I …
As a filmmaker, here is the one question that is most often asked – What filmmaking camera should I buy? This depends on …
Everyone’s worst nightmare is getting that call from your editor: “Something is wrong with the hard drive and I cannot view the footage.” …
So you are seeking ideas on how to turn your book into a movie. First of all, congratulations on finishing your book. Writing …
For a very long time the barriers to entry have prevented most filmmakers from having a career outside of Hollywood. And while one can argue that independent filmmakers have always existed, even the most independent of filmmakers relied on traditional Hollywood distribution vehicles…
As a filmmaker, your time should be spent making movies or thinking about your next movie. And while this is ideal, it’s not practical. Outside of the creative process, each of us has obligations to family, our community and possibly…
I finally had an experience that reinforced the importance of your filmmakers network. Over the past six months, I’ve been working to put …
Making a movie is one of the greatest accomplishments in the world. As a filmmaker, taking your movie idea from script to screen …
In this filmmaking question, a prospective film school student asks what he can do before going to film school. I have not made …
As a filmmaker, it is easy to think that movies made in Hollywood set the standard. But what if you do not live …
All you need to make a web series is probably in your pocket. And today’s guest filmmaker blogger would know. His name is …
Tommy Stovall is an independent filmmaker who has produced two feature films and is gaining notoriety in the indie film scene. His current …
Travel to Europe and you will find many independent filmmakers are feeling the pinch brought on by the lack of public funds, subsidies …
As a filmmaker, one of my favorite devices in the entire world is my iPad. Last summer it rarely left my body. I …
I originally wrote the Filmmaking Stuff book to help YOU. I wrote this book because a few years back, myself and some other …
As a filmmaker, you probably have a lot of questions about everything filmmaking related. And as the editor of Filmmaking Stuff, I get …
Growing up in Nigeria, I remember watching movies and wondering how could I be one of the actors in the film or how …
As a filmmaker, one of your biggest goals is creating great work that is moving and memorable. While there are no guarantees in business or life, I wanted to share an example of a movie that succeeded in moving me. Searching for Sugar Man tells the story of a a charismatic Mexican-American singer/songwriter named Rodriguez…
You are thinking about making a movie because you want to be rich, famous and powerful, right? If this isn’t your goal, please let me be the first to call you out on your BS. There are plenty of ways to make money in the world. There are faster ways to produce a product. Easier ways to rush to market. Less stressful ways to make money. But none of that stuff matters to you because…
If you are looking to get your movie seen and selling on the popular VOD platforms like iTunes, Hulu, Netflix and some of the cable outlets, your movie must first go through a video encoding service. And since most filmmakers are new to the world of film distribution, here is an overview of how modern movie distribution works…
You no longer need Hollywood to get your work distributed and seen. Thanks to the internet you have a readily accessible option for creating a web series and reaching a global audience. All you need is a camera, some creativity and internet access. Read this filmmaking article…
As a filmmaker, getting your movie made is paramount to success. Without a movie, you have nothing to offer your audience. Since your audience is your business, without an audience, you have no business! If you have been reading Filmmaking Stuff for any length of time, you know that the world of distribution has forever changed. The days of multi-gazillion dollar cash advances are over. Instead, what we are left with is…
Yesterday I had breakfast with a studio executive from one of the Majors here in Los Angeles. Much of what we talked about revolved around changes in the movie industry and how many of the studio folks are slow to implement new ideas. With an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 independent movies flooding the market each year, the movie industry is experiencing what happens to any industry when cheap labor, inexpensive production…
Looking for free Filmmaking Books? Download The Modern Moviemaking Movement. Ten of Hollywood’s most innovative filmmakers share tips on navigating the indie film landscape.
If you are wondering about the future of filmmaking, I can tell you it is not Hollywood. It will be the gazillion filmmakers all over the world who take action, pick up a camera and make the movie they can make with the resources they have. There are a lot of people fearful of this shift…
As a filmmaker, getting your movie into the various VOD marketplaces takes way longer than it should. The reason for this is simple. Every platform including iTunes, Amazon, NetFlix, Hulu and The Watchbox all want great content. The delivery standards required by some of these platforms are so high, that if even one frame is messed up, your title will be rejected! This is why video aggregators work with amazing encoders…
Because I’ve written a few books about screenwriting I sometimes get questions from people just starting out on their careers. One query that has started coming up more often recently is whether it’s better to chase the Hollywood dream or get involved with indie films, including ones made for the web…
My first feature was a science fiction monster movie called Tasmanian Devils. As is usually the case with first features, we did not have enough time or money, and so 12 pages a day of monsters and blood explosions was to be expected. I was ready for the challenge and I was as prepared as I could be. I built extensive shot lists before the shoot – creating all sorts of custom spreadsheets to manage the hundreds of scenes and thousands of shots. Then my AD and I meticulously rearranged our shooting days to make the perfect plan…
Writer Bret Easton Ellis (American Psycho) has teamed up with writer-director Paul Schrader (Taxi Driver), and producer Braxton Pope to create the new feature titled The Canyons. But unlike most movies produced in Hollywood, what makes this project different than most projects is…
Camera operating can be tricky in its own right, but when it comes to being a one man band, where you’re in charge of both camera and audio – then things can get pretty difficult. With the DSLR craze, it can seem at times ridiculous to build out a full-scale camera rig. In some instances, doing so can defeat the purpose of shooting with these cameras, especially if you’re going guerilla…