Check Out the AJA CION
AJA has jumped from the realm of video capture and post conversion into the realm of camera design with the AJA CION. Read this filmmaking article.
AJA has jumped from the realm of video capture and post conversion into the realm of camera design with the AJA CION. Read this filmmaking article.
Blackmagic is set to shake up the market yet again with the Blackmagic URSA. Read this filmmaking article to get our thoughts on the Blackmagic URSA.
In this article, veteran screenwriter Jurgen Wolff explains the difference between a movie premise and a story.
Interested in low budget filmmaking? Read this article to find out how Bojan Dulabic made a feature film in his living room.
Could the Panasonic GH4 be your dream film camera? In this article, Filmmaker Michael Head shares his thoughts on the camera.
In this filmmaking article, actor, writer and producer Gregor Collins talks about getting his movie made without Hollywood Agents.
In this filmmaking interview, Jack Marchetti tells us about his next movie and how it is not a High Fidelity Sequel.
In this filmmaking guest article, crowdfunding expert John T. Trigonis shares his six steps to a reel crowdfunding success.
Getting actors to kiss is sometimes awkward for directors to ask. And if you find yourself in this position, you might be wondering: Do actors really kiss?
Sometimes paying the bills can be tough for a filmmaker. Have you ever thought about finding ways to make corporate videos? This article tells you why.
Looking for your next camera? Perhaps the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera is worth researching. Read what filmmaking team, The Diamond Brothers has to say.
In this filmmaking interview, filmmaker Ron Newcomb talks about making, marketing and his distribution strategy for Rise of the Fellowship.
There are a lot of great filmmaking resources and filmmaker thought leaders in Twitter. But the problem is, there are a LOT of filmmakers Tweeting. To help you out, I have listed 20 Filmmakers To Follow on Twitter.
In this filmmaking article, film director Matt Mahoney shares tips on what to do when filmmaking falls apart.
Wondering How To Record Surround Sound? Check out this awesome filmmaking article by production sound mixer, Richard Ragon.
In this filmmaking article, producer Jason Brubaker explains how to meet rich people so you can get movie money.
One of the more difficult things in crowdfunding seems to be choosing the right crowdufing goal amount for your project. For me, it’s …
Have you heard about the 5K Sony Cybershot with video? According to Imaging Resource, the new RX10 can read all 5K data from …
When you think about it, the most magical word for beginning and low-budget filmmakers is: 4K. Mention of it brings to mind the …
In this guest filmmaking article, producer Doug Gritzmacher outlines the grass roots movie marketing strategy his team utilized for Soldiers of Paint A …
Who Else Wants To Join 3 Established Filmmakers Willing To Reveal Their Step-by-Step System So You Can Finally Make Your Movie And Sell …
As I type these words, I’m hoping that whatever filmmaking tips I’m about to share are useful. And while I don’t know all …
If I were to teach a formal course in filmmaking, I would call it “Never Has So Much Been Done With So Little, …
In the following article, guest filmmaker Jerry Kokich explains the advantages of using stock footage. There was a post on a Facebook filmmaking …
As a screenwriter, your goal is to get your writing made into movies. So you write and write and write. And through perseverance …
If you are looking for short film ideas, you might want to consider making a short horror film. My buddy sent me the …
Many filmmakers waste years saving up to have the “right” equipment before attempting to make a movie. However, filmmaker Jerry Kokich says you …
For years I’ve said that the best part about going to the movies is the very beginning. No, not the opening credits, I’m …
After you make your movie, people will email asking when it’s available. This period of time is called the social window. It’s the …
For many filmmakers, running a crowdfunding campaign has become an essential phase of the film financing process. A few days ago, Filmmaker Rory …