How To Make Money On YouTube

make money on YouTube

Making money with short films can be a pain in the butt. This was especially difficult when I started my filmmaking career. The reason? Back then, the market for short films was limited. In fact, most short films went to festivals and later faded away in quiet obscurity. But thanks to YouTube…

Five Filmmaker Success Tactics You Need To Utilize


If you’re filmmaker seeking practical filmmaking tips you can use TODAY, I’d like so share some thoughts with you. The world of filmmaking is changing. Producing content is getting cheaper. And distribution outlets are becoming increasingly accessible. While these changes have not fully hit mainstream Hollywood, you can rest assured that it’s only a matter of time until the ripple effect has a leveling impact.

5 Things Your Film School Degree Won’t Teach You

film school degree

When I was first starting my filmmaking career, I thought long and hard about the prospects of film school. At the time, I figured a degree from one of the top film schools would increase my odds of garnering success. Now, after having worked in the game for awhile, I can honestly tell you that very few people, if any, have asked me where I went to film school.

Is Traditional Movie Distribution Dead?

movie distribution

While creating creating community around your title, building buzz and increasing your fan base is both challenging and fun, a lot of filmmakers have no idea how to get started. In this regard, one of your first steps is to determine if your movie is ready for the marketplace

How To Keep The Magic of Filmmaking Alive

magic of filmmaking

There is just something totally magical about the creative process. When you’re making a movie, it isn’t about the outcome. I mean, yes, you want to do great work. And you want people to enjoy your show. But in the process, like the night before the first day of production – when you stare at your ceiling until 4AM, too excited to sleep. Wondering if you have enough equipment. Wondering if you’re crazy for choosing such a creative path in life. Dreaming of first film festival success, then a career in Hollywood when people ask you to work, instead of you asking for work… I mean, all of these thoughts flow through your mind.

What Quentin Tarantino Can Teach Us about Filmmaking

Quentin Tarantino

Early in my filmmaking career, I made a lot of mistakes – Many of these mistakes are attributable to a real lack of advice from people with experience. The following video offers good advice to new filmmakers who are looking for guidance. (And for those of us filmmakers who have produced a few features – this is still great advice!)

How To Optimize Your Movie Website For Sales


If you’re like most filmmakers, you have a website for your movie. And odds are good you are trying to fit too much into it. So the first thing you need to do is remove all the distracting crap. Whenever I mention this at a talk, invariably someone asks me how to determine what’s distracting? It depends on your website objective.

5 Feature Filmmaking Secrets Every Filmmaker Should Know

feature filmmaking

If you’re an ambitious writer, I’m going to tell you a secret. There is no better feeling in the world than the day you stop sending query letters and instead, you start producing your own work. For years and years, you have dreamed about seeing your work on the big screen. You know you’re good. So why ask for permission?