This Jack Marchetti Movie Is Not A High Fidelity Sequel
In this filmmaking interview, Jack Marchetti tells us about his next movie and how it is not a High Fidelity Sequel.
In this filmmaking interview, Jack Marchetti tells us about his next movie and how it is not a High Fidelity Sequel.
In this filmmaking interview, filmmaker Ron Newcomb talks about making, marketing and his distribution strategy for Rise of the Fellowship.
There are a lot of great filmmaking resources and filmmaker thought leaders in Twitter. But the problem is, there are a LOT of filmmakers Tweeting. To help you out, I have listed 20 Filmmakers To Follow on Twitter.
Wondering How To Record Surround Sound? Check out this awesome filmmaking article by production sound mixer, Richard Ragon.
In this filmmaking article, producer Jason Brubaker explains how to meet rich people so you can get movie money.
In this guest filmmaking article, producer Doug Gritzmacher outlines the grass roots movie marketing strategy his team utilized for Soldiers of Paint A …
Who Else Wants To Join 3 Established Filmmakers Willing To Reveal Their Step-by-Step System So You Can Finally Make Your Movie And Sell …
As I type these words, I’m hoping that whatever filmmaking tips I’m about to share are useful. And while I don’t know all …
As a screenwriter, your goal is to get your writing made into movies. So you write and write and write. And through perseverance …
If you are looking for short film ideas, you might want to consider making a short horror film. My buddy sent me the …
After you make your movie, people will email asking when it’s available. This period of time is called the social window. It’s the …
For many filmmakers, running a crowdfunding campaign has become an essential phase of the film financing process. A few days ago, Filmmaker Rory …
Picture this! As a filmmaker, you just finished a successful crowdfunding campaign. You not only hit your goal, but exceeded your own expectations. …
Brian Norgard is the founder of Chill. And today he stopped by Filmmaking Stuff to share news about the Vigilante Diaries, which is …
Crowdfunding is a great way to get word out about your project, test your marketing concept and hone your skills as an entrepreneurial …
As a filmmaker, it is essential that you have a crystal clear vision for your movie. From there, you must take the necessary …
Rae Dawn Chong is an actor, writer and producer. As the eldest daughter of comedian Tommy Chong, she started acting at age 12 …
Do you remember the old days when you would see a movie in the theater and then wait months for the movie to …
In this filmmaking Podcast, I decided to share details about WHY you need to build a facebook fan page. I also decided to …
Trust in filmmaking is essential. The reason you have a crew is because together the sum of the collaboration is better than what …
As a filmmaker, you need a team. Having an experienced Line Producer or Production Manager is invaluable in the prep phase of your …
Over the past months, we have witnessed an evolution in the ways movies are seen and sold. Before you decide on your film …
If you asked me how to get press to cover your movie projects ten years ago, I would have told you to hire …
Film distribution is changing. In addition to the major marketplaces, there are about 200 platforms (and growing) where you can feature your movie. …
Whenever I give talks related to movie distribution invariably somebody in the audience will ask me my thoughts online piracy. And my response …
Crowdfunding has become a successful strategy for filmmakers to raise money to make their movies. If you were paying attention, you probably noticed …
As a modern filmmaker, you need a movie website. For some of you, setting up a movie website is simple – you probably …
There are a lot of filmmakers who think it’s still 1990. While it is nice to dream of Hollywood deals, the Modern Moviemaker …
Once you have a screenplay that you want to produce, you will need to figure out how much your movie will cost. When …
I am always impressed by filmmakers who take action and make their movie without asking permission. Jason Faller is one such filmmaker. He produces, markets and sells his own movies. And I believe he embodies the entrepreneurial spirit of the Modern Moviemaker. He stopped by Filmmaking Stuff to provide some tips…