Why You Need A Shot List

shot list

My first feature was a science fiction monster movie called Tasmanian Devils. As is usually the case with first features, we did not have enough time or money, and so 12 pages a day of monsters and blood explosions was to be expected. I was ready for the challenge and I was as prepared as I could be. I built extensive shot lists before the shoot – creating all sorts of custom spreadsheets to manage the hundreds of scenes and thousands of shots. Then my AD and I meticulously rearranged our shooting days to make the perfect plan…


DSLR cage

Camera operating can be tricky in its own right, but when it comes to being a one man band, where you’re in charge of both camera and audio – then things can get pretty difficult. With the DSLR craze, it can seem at times ridiculous to build out a full-scale camera rig. In some instances, doing so can defeat the purpose of shooting with these cameras, especially if you’re going guerilla…

GoPro Hero Time Lapse

GoPro Hero

The GoPro Hero can be utilized for time lapse footage. When dealing with time lapses, it’s all about doing the correct math. Not only because you want your end product to be a certain length, but also when dealing with the storage space while creating a time lapse.

Canon DSLR Camera

Canon DSLR Camera

As a filmmaker, if you’re interested in buying a Canon DSLR camera, I would go with the Canon T2i. If you have the budget to buy the Canon 5D Mark II – hold off…